Взаимосвязь дыхательной способности и фотосинтеза в листьях персика разных сортов в течение вегетации
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2024-04-02 19:25
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581.12+634.25 (1)
Plant physiology (538)
Stone fruits. Drupes in general (213)
SM ISO690:2012
МАЛИНА, Раиса, ШИШКАНУ, Георге, ТИТОВА, Нина. Взаимосвязь дыхательной способности и фотосинтеза в листьях персика разных сортов в течение вегетации. In: Genetica, fiziologia şi ameliorarea plantelor, Ed. 5, 23-24 octombrie 2014, Chişinău. 2014, Ediția 5, pp. 117-121.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Genetica, fiziologia şi ameliorarea plantelor
Ediția 5, 2014
Conferința "Genetica, fiziologia şi ameliorarea plantelor"
5, Chişinău, Moldova, 23-24 octombrie 2014

Взаимосвязь дыхательной способности и фотосинтеза в листьях персика разных сортов в течение вегетации

CZU: 581.12+634.25

Pag. 117-121

Малина Раиса, Шишкану Георге, Титова Нина
Институт генетики, физиологии и защиты растений Академии Наук Молдовы
Disponibil în IBN: 27 iulie 2020


A quantitative relation ship between growth and respiration was studied on six varieties of peach trees in connection with the productivity and photosynthesis. The perennial plants were grown under controlled conditions of lyzimeters in IGFPP, ASM. There were discovered varieties’ differences, dependency of respiration intensity on the growth phase, weather conditions and on the fruit load. It was concluded that the respiration as a link played an important role in the donor-acceptor relationships between the plant’s organs.

peach trees, Photosynthesis, respiration intensity, Productivity, fruit load