Исследование влияния препарата «Биоцидин» на динамику накопления микрофлоры и интенсивность роста молодняка свиней
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Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
619:615 (37)
Medical sciences (11480)
Pharmacology. Therapeutics. Toxicology (1616)
SM ISO690:2012
КАСЬЯНЕНКО , Оксана, ШКРОМАДА, О.. Исследование влияния препарата «Биоцидин» на динамику накопления микрофлоры и интенсивность роста молодняка свиней. In: Medicină veterinară: Lucrări ştiinţifice, 3 octombrie 2014, Chişinău. Chişinău Republica Moldova: Centrul editorial UASM, 2014, Vol.40, pp. 301-304. ISBN 978-9975-64-263-7.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Medicină veterinară
Vol.40, 2014
Simpozionul "40 ani de învăţământ superior medical veterinar în Republica Moldova"
Chişinău, Moldova, 3 octombrie 2014

Исследование влияния препарата «Биоцидин» на динамику накопления микрофлоры и интенсивность роста молодняка свиней

CZU: 619:615

Pag. 301-304

Касьяненко Оксана, Шкромада О.
Сумский Аграрный Национальный Университет
Disponibil în IBN: 25 mai 2020


As a result of the research proved deodorizing and antimicrobial properties of the drug «Biocydin» in a production environment of the pig sty. The deodorizing drug of ceolite has been used for prevention and disinfection, scattered on the floor in the pig sty every 7-10 days, depending on density of animals, or while changing the bedding. The drug «Biocydin» for whitewashing walls or machines and other concrete, brick and wooden fences has been used for final disinfection in the pig sty. In research areas where a disinfectant drug «Biocydin» mark D has been used, survival number of sucker piglets  in the experimental groups was higher by 5,0 %, the average increase in body weight – 9,7 %. The total mass of the animals in the experimental group by the end of the experiment was 19,4 kg more than  in the control one, and the average weight  - 1,5 kg. By the end of observations the body weight increase of the experimental group was 18,0 kg,  it was 1,5 kg more than the control group, and the average day weight  increase was 30 g, more or 9,7%, higher than in the control group. Thus, the additional increase of body weight per head during the experimental period of the tested animals was 1,5 kg. The average weight per head of research group of rearing piglets was 2,5 kg  more than that of the control group. The gain in body weight per head of research group by the end of observation was 3 kg ( 11,8 %) higher than in  a control group. The average day increase of body weight per head in the experiment to 49,0 g, or 15,1 %, higher than the rate in the control. The additional  increase of the average weight per animal without additional costs for the period of the experiment was 2,5 kg. Pigs survival in both groups was 100 %. Thus, the results of experimental and scientific - industrial experiments which have been conducted on the farms of central and eastern Ukraine, strongly suggest that the use of disinfectants «Biocydin» mark D creates favorable sanitary conditions in the room and affects the increase rate in growth of piglets.

Bacteria accumulation, Disinfection, Dynamics of the microflora, The growth rate of pigs