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Afisarea articolelor -19-0(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "Moodle"
Platforma educationala ”Scoala din valiza” proiect centrat pe motivarea elevilor pentru studiu cu resurse digitale interactive
Petrovici Adriana12, Herman Cosmin2
The use of modern educational and informational technologies for the training of professional competences of the students in higher education institutions
2019. Balti, Republic of Moldova. ISBN 978-9975-3369-3-2.
Disponibil online 6 May, 2020. Descarcări-70. Vizualizări-844
Resurse digitale - teste de evaluare online cu wiris, geogebra si moodle
Petrovici Adriana1, Poka Stefan2, Herman Cosmin2
The use of modern educational and informational technologies for the training of professional competences of the students in higher education institutions
2018. Balti, Republic of Moldova. ISBN 978-9975-3276-0-2.
Disponibil online 8 July, 2019. Descarcări-14. Vizualizări-716

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