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Afisarea articolelor 21-2(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "open fractures"
Particularities of the procalcitonin index in the blood of the injureds with multiple trauma of high severity and open fractures of long tubular bones
Borovic Eduard, Croitor Petru, Pavlovschi Ecaterina
National Scientific-Practical Centre of Emergency Medicine
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union Supliment
Nr. S3(48) / 2013 / ISSN 0041-6940
Disponibil online 7 October, 2022. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-238
The specific features of the dynamic of the indexes of the interleukins level in the blood of the injureds with politraumatism of high severity and open fractures of long tubular bones
Borovic Eduard, Croitor Petru, Pavlovschi Ecaterina
National Scientific-Practical Centre of Emergency Medicine
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union Supliment
Nr. S3(48) / 2013 / ISSN 0041-6940
Disponibil online 7 October, 2022. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-231

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