
Afișare rezultate

SM ISO690:2012
Afisarea articolelor 1-2(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "microbial strains"
The biotechnological potential of microorganisms determination for creating complex preparations with insect-fungicidal properties
Pileac Nina, Hodorciuc Vasilii
Engineering and Technological Institute "Biotechnica" NAASU, Ukraine
Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective
nr.58. 2023. Кишинев. ISBN 978-9975-62-563-0.
Disponibil online 11 October, 2023. Descarcări-2. Vizualizări-224
Viability of streptomyces strains and its variants after freeze-drying in cnmn
Bîrsa Maxim, Burţeva Svetlana, Cebotari Victoria
Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community
2022. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. ISBN 978-9975-159-80-7.
Disponibil online 15 November, 2022. Descarcări-11. Vizualizări-339

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