
Rezultatele Căutării

Afisarea articolelor 1-6(7) pentru indicele czu "338(478):339.92:061.1EU"
The advantages and impediments in fostering Republic of Moldova- the European Union economic cooperation
CZU : 338(478):339.92:061.1EU
Crudu Rodica, Ignatov Augustin
Center for Studies in European Integration Working Papers Series
Nr. 5 / 2017 / ISSN - /ISSNe 2537-6187
The European Union and Republic of Moldova  association agreement’s impact on national economy
CZU : 338(478):339.92:061.1EU
Covaș Svetlana, Crudu Rodica
Center for Studies in European Integration Working Papers Series
Nr. 3 / 2016 / ISSN - /ISSNe 2537-6187
European integration dimension of Republic of Moldova as development path in a globalization setting
CZU : 338(478):339.92:061.1EU
Antoci Natalia
Eastern European Journal for Regional Studies (EEJRS)
Nr. 2(1) / 2015 / ISSN 1857-436X /ISSNe 2537-6179
Economic dynamics of the republic of moldova in the context of european integration
CZU : 330.34:338(478):339.92:061.1EU
Prisac Igor
Economie şi Sociologie
Nr. 1 / 2015 / ISSN 1857-4130
Considerente cu privire la integrarea economică a Republicii Moldova
CZU : 338(478):339.92:061.1EU
Certan Simion, Certan Ion
Economie şi Sociologie
Nr. 3 / 2014 / ISSN 1857-4130
Интеграционные процессы в информационных пространствах Молдовы и ЕС
CZU : 338(478):339.92:061.1EU
Захаров Светлана, Гербановская Людмила
Economie şi Sociologie
Nr. 3 / 2009 / ISSN 1857-4130
Particularitățile strategiilor de armonizare a normelor de reglementare a procedurilor vamale în procesul integrării Europene
CZU : 338(478):339.92:061.1EU
Lupaşcu Zinaida
Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei
Vol.1. 2018. Cahul, Republica Moldova. ISBN 978-9975-88-041-1.
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