
Afiliat la Konan University

2015 - 2

Observation of electron spin relaxation time in pnpn structured GaAs
Morozumi A. , Ito T. , Ichida M. , Ando H.
Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering
Editia 3. 2015. . Springer. 74-74.
Disponibil online 10 April, 2019
Evaluation of spin relaxation time by polarization- and time-resolved pump and probe measurements
Fuma S. , Ito T. , Goto H. , Ichida M. , Ando H.
Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering
Editia 3. 2015. . Springer. 75-75.
Disponibil online 10 April, 2019

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