
Afiliat la National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow

2015 - 3

Modeling of IMS spectra in medical diagnostic purposes
Lipatov D. , Shaltaeva Y. , Belyakov Vladimir , Golovin A. , Pershenkov Vyacheslav , Shurenkov V. , Yakovlev D.
Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering
Editia 3. 2015. . Springer. 100-100.
Disponibil online 15 April, 2019
Ion mobility spectrometer for rapid simultaneous detection of positive and negative ions
Vasilyev V. , Pershenkov Vyacheslav , Belyakov Vladimir , Samotaev Nikolay , Golovin A. , Malkin E. , Gromov E. , Ivanov I. , Matusko M. , Ivanova Anastasia , Lipatov D.
Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering
Editia 3. 2015. . Springer. 120-120.
Disponibil online 16 April, 2019
Methods for the self calibration of ion mobility spectrometer
Vasilyev V. , Pershenkov Vyacheslav , Samotaev Nikolay , Belyakov Vladimir , Golovin A. , Malkin E. , Gromov E. , Ivanov I. , Shaltaeva Y. , Lipatov D.
Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering
Editia 3. 2015. . Springer. 124-124.
Disponibil online 17 April, 2019

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