
Afiliat la Rezervația Științifică „Prutul de Jos”

2024 - 1

New data on distribution of Ornithogalum boucheanum and O. fimbriatum in the „Lower Prut Lakesˮ ramsar site
Ghendov Veaceslav , Izverscaia Tatiana , Cassir Polina
Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective
Ediția 8. 2024. Balti, Republic of Moldova. Casa Editorial-Poligrafică „Bons Offices”. 453-457.
Disponibil online 26 June, 2024

2023 - 4

Reintroduction results on rare plant species in lower Prut lakes ramsar site
Cassir Polina , Izverscaia Tatiana , Ghendov Veaceslav
Natural sciences in the dialogue of generations
2023. Chişinău. Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM. 34-34.
Disponibil online 17 October, 2023
New fi ndings of some rare species in the vascular fl ora of Biosphere Reserve “Lower Prut” (Republic of Moldova)
Cassir Polina , Izverscaia Tatiana , Ghendov Veaceslav
Revista Botanică
Vol. 15, Nr. 1(26) / 2023 / ISSN 1857-2367 / ISSNe 2587-3814
Disponibil online 29 February, 2024
New data on rare vascular plants in the flora of ,,Lower Prut Lakes” RAMSAR site (Republic of Moldova)
Cassir Polina , Izverscaia Tatiana , Ghendov Veaceslav
Studia Universitatis Moldaviae (Seria Ştiinţe Reale şi ale Naturii)
Nr. 6(166) / 2023 / ISSN 1814-3237 / ISSNe 1857-498X
Disponibil online 4 April, 2024
The distribution of new vascular plant species in the valley of the lower Prut
Cassir Polina , Izverscaia Tatiana , Ghendov Veaceslav
Natural sciences in the dialogue of generations
2023. Chişinău. Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM. 33-33.
Disponibil online 17 October, 2023

2022 - 3

Leucojum aestivum (amaryllidaceae) – new species for the Lower Prut flora
Cassir Polina , Ghendov Veaceslav
Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community
2022. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Moldova State University. 30-30.
Disponibil online 11 November, 2022
Reintroduction of crambe tataria in the „Lower Prut Lakes” ramsar site
Cassir Polina , Izverscaia Tatiana , Ghendov Veaceslav
Life sciences in the dialogue of generations: connections between universities, academia and business community
2022. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Moldova State University. 31-31.
Disponibil online 11 November, 2022
Invasive vascular plant species in the flora of the «Lower Prut lakes» Ramsar site
Cassir Polina
Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management and EU Integration – Step by Step
2022. Chişinău. Eco-TIRAS. 116-120.
Disponibil online 15 November, 2023

2021 - 2

Amenințarea plantelor valoroase din bălțile Prutului de Jos de efectele schimbărilor climatice
Begu Adam , Cassir Polina , Paladi Viorica
Zonele umede - valori perene cu rol vital pentru omenire
2021. Slobozia Mare. Pontos. 19-28.
Disponibil online 27 September, 2022
Threatened vascular plants from steppic areas of „Lower Prut lakes” Ramsar site
Cassir Polina , Izverscaia Tatiana , Ghendov Veaceslav
Buletin Ştiinţific. Revista de Etnografie, Ştiinţele Naturii şi Muzeologie (Serie Nouă)
Nr. 34(47) / 2021 / ISSN 1857-0054
Disponibil online 1 May, 2023

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