Dimitrov M.
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Teze/Rezumate în culegeri - 6.
SM ISO690:2012
ISO 690:2012Clasificate
  • 5. Publicaţii la manifestări din RM
  • 5.4.Teze / rezumate în culegerile de la alte manifestări din RM - 6

2023 - 6

Antibiotic resistance: the danger for the children
Petkova Valentina B. , Dimitrov M.
Medical University of Sofia
Perspectives of the Balkan medicine in the post COVID-19 era The 37th Balkan Medical Week. The 8th congress on urology, dialysis and kidney transplant from the Republic of Moldova “New Horizons in Urology”
Ediția 37. 2023. București. ISSN Print: ISSN 1584-9244 ISSN-L 1584-9244 Online: ISSN 2558-815X.
Disponibil online 5 January, 2024. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-113
Medicines with a plant component applied among children
Hadzhieva B.1 , Petkova Valentina B.2 , Dimitrov M.2
1 Medical University of Sofia,
2 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Perspectives of the Balkan medicine in the post COVID-19 era The 37th Balkan Medical Week. The 8th congress on urology, dialysis and kidney transplant from the Republic of Moldova “New Horizons in Urology”
Ediția 37. 2023. București. ISSN Print: ISSN 1584-9244 ISSN-L 1584-9244 Online: ISSN 2558-815X.
Disponibil online 5 January, 2024. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-118
Obesity in pregnancy – implications on pregnancy events
Koleva L. , Karamisheva V. , Spasova V. , Popova M. , Dimitrov M. , Petkova Valentina B.
Medical University of Sofia
Perspectives of the Balkan medicine in the post COVID-19 era The 37th Balkan Medical Week. The 8th congress on urology, dialysis and kidney transplant from the Republic of Moldova “New Horizons in Urology”
Ediția 37. 2023. București. ISSN Print: ISSN 1584-9244 ISSN-L 1584-9244 Online: ISSN 2558-815X.
Disponibil online 22 December, 2023. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-88
Pilot study of over-the-counter drugs applied among the pediatric population in Bulgaria
Petkova Valentina B.12 , Hadzhieva B.12 , Dimitrov M.12
1 Medical University of Plovdiv,
2 Medical University of Sofia
Perspectives of the Balkan medicine in the post COVID-19 era The 37th Balkan Medical Week. The 8th congress on urology, dialysis and kidney transplant from the Republic of Moldova “New Horizons in Urology”
Ediția 37. 2023. București. ISSN Print: ISSN 1584-9244 ISSN-L 1584-9244 Online: ISSN 2558-815X.
Disponibil online 5 January, 2024. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-155
The effect of dementia on the bulgarian patients – pilot study
Petkova Valentina B.1 , Damyanov V.1 , Andreevska Kalina2 , Hristov Emil2 , Dimitrov M.1
1 Medical University of Sofia,
2 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Perspectives of the Balkan medicine in the post COVID-19 era The 37th Balkan Medical Week. The 8th congress on urology, dialysis and kidney transplant from the Republic of Moldova “New Horizons in Urology”
Ediția 37. 2023. București. ISSN Print: ISSN 1584-9244 ISSN-L 1584-9244 Online: ISSN 2558-815X.
Disponibil online 22 December, 2023. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-136
The effect of multiple sclerosis on the Bulgarian patients – pilot study
Petkova Valentina B. , Damyanov V. , Dimitrov M.
Medical University of Sofia
Perspectives of the Balkan medicine in the post COVID-19 era The 37th Balkan Medical Week. The 8th congress on urology, dialysis and kidney transplant from the Republic of Moldova “New Horizons in Urology”
Ediția 37. 2023. București. ISSN Print: ISSN 1584-9244 ISSN-L 1584-9244 Online: ISSN 2558-815X.
Disponibil online 7 January, 2024. Descarcări-1. Vizualizări-108
1 - 6 of 6