Влияние Sarcocystis Bovicanis на организм телят при экспериментальном заражении
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619:616.993:636.2 (2)
Mедицинские науки (11481)
Инфекционные заболевания. Инфекционные лихорадки (587)
Крупные жвачные животные. Крупный рогатый скот (206)
SM ISO690:2012
ЕРХАН, Думитру. Влияние Sarcocystis Bovicanis на организм телят при экспериментальном заражении. In: Functional Ecology of Animals: 70th anniversary from the birth of academician I.Toderas, 21 septembrie 2018, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Zoologie, 2018, pp. 197-213. ISBN 978-9975-3159-7-5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975315975.38
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Functional Ecology of Animals 2018
Conferința "Functional Ecology of Animals"
Chişinău, Moldova, 21 septembrie 2018

Влияние Sarcocystis Bovicanis на организм телят при экспериментальном заражении

CZU: 619:616.993:636.2

Pag. 197-213

Ерхан Думитру
Институт Зоологии
Disponibil în IBN: 25 noiembrie 2019


The aim research was to established specific clinical symptoms and changes of hematological and biochemical indices in the experimental bovine sarcocistoza. The results of the tests show that the experimental infestation of calves with Sarcocystis bovicanis sporocysts in dose of 200-250 thousands, disease manifests clinically but more pronounced is on the 25-30 days after infestation, which coincides with the development of schizogonic stages when appearing massively schizonts. On the 64th day (observation period), the condition of the animals improves, which corresponds to the step of introducing the sporochysts into the muscles. Have been established three periods of body temperature increase at the calves: on 5-7, 15-17 and 25-30th days after experimental infestation. At the infected calves have been identified changes in hematological and biochemical indices in blood. From the first days after infestation, a decrease in serum total proteins has been established, hypoalbuminemia - albumin content on the 30th day after infection is reduced with 27.7% compared to baseline (until infestation). The activity of alkaline phosphatase and aldolase increases about 2-times, and aspartataminotransferaza and alanine aminotransferase by- 2-3 times.

Calves, Sarcocystis bovicanis, total proteins, enzymes

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