Parametrii morfometrici ai speciei Acanthocephalus Ranae Schrank, 1788 (Acanthocephala) depistată la specimenele complexului Pelophylax Esculenta (Amphibia)
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2023-12-08 08:11
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597.6/.9:591.2 (1)
Pisces. Рыбы. Ихтиология. Amphibia. Земноводные в целом (151)
Общая зоология (269)
SM ISO690:2012
ERHAN, Dumitru, GHERASIM, Elena. Parametrii morfometrici ai speciei Acanthocephalus Ranae Schrank, 1788 (Acanthocephala) depistată la specimenele complexului Pelophylax Esculenta (Amphibia). In: Functional Ecology of Animals: 70th anniversary from the birth of academician I.Toderas, 21 septembrie 2018, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Zoologie, 2018, pp. 214-222. ISBN 978-9975-3159-7-5. DOI:
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Dublin Core
Functional Ecology of Animals 2018
Conferința "Functional Ecology of Animals"
Chişinău, Moldova, 21 septembrie 2018

Parametrii morfometrici ai speciei Acanthocephalus Ranae Schrank, 1788 (Acanthocephala) depistată la specimenele complexului Pelophylax Esculenta (Amphibia)

CZU: 597.6/.9:591.2

Pag. 214-222

Erhan Dumitru, Gherasim Elena
Institutul de Zoologie
Disponibil în IBN: 25 noiembrie 2019


The article describes the results of the parasitological investigations of Pelophylax esculenta complex (Amphibia). A total number of 360 individuals have been subjects of parasitological study. A new species of Acanthocephala for the Republic of Moldova have been identified - Acanthocephalus ranae. In the paper there are presented the results regarding the infestation of complex Pelophylax esculenta by the acanthocephala species from Echinorhynchidae. For each species there were established: taxonomic status, including the hosts, the location in organs, the geographic spreading, etiology and biologic cycle. There are also mentioned the amount of collected material, the morphologic description of the species, original figures and pictures.

Pelophylax esculenta complex (Amphibia), Acanthocephala, water reservoir