Evoluţia statului Republica Moldova prin prisma vectorului integraţionist european
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VARZARI, Pantelimon. Evoluţia statului Republica Moldova prin prisma vectorului integraţionist european. In: Revista de studii interdisciplinare „C. Stere”, 2017, nr. 1-2(13-14), pp. 37-56. ISSN 2457-5550. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3358626
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Dublin Core
Revista de studii interdisciplinare „C. Stere”
Numărul 1-2(13-14) / 2017 / ISSN 2457-5550

Evoluţia statului Republica Moldova prin prisma vectorului integraţionist european

The Evolution of The Republic of Moldova State in The Context of The European Integration Vector

Эволюция Государства Республика Молдова Сквозь Призму Европейского Интеграционного Вектора

CZU: 323(478)+316.334.321

Pag. 37-56

Varzari Pantelimon
Universitatea de Studii Politice şi Economice Europene „Constantin Stere”
Disponibil în IBN: 6 august 2019


The article examines the process of development of the Republic Moldova in the context of European integration process advancement. The author highlights four stages in the evolution of the state in terms of choice and application of European integration vector of the ruling political elite, based on the analysis of parliamentary elections. It concludes that European integration has now become a state policy priority both internally and externally, a policy which requires a well-founded strategic concept for modernization through the democratization of society in all its fundamental aspects.

political system, the Republic of Moldova state, policy formulation, parliamentary elections, the vector of development of the society, national idea, European integration, social-political cleavage, aporetic difficulty,

sistem politic, statul Republica Moldova, formulă politică, alegeri parlamentare, vectorul dezvoltării societăţii, idee naţională, integrare europeană, clivaj social-politic, dificultate aporetică,

политическая система, государство Республика Молдова, политическая формула, парламентские выборы, вестор развития общества, национальная идея, европейская интеграция, социально-политический раскол, апоретическая трудность

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Evoluţia statului Republica Moldova prin prisma vectorului integraţionist european</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>political system; the Republic of Moldova state; policy formulation; parliamentary elections; the vector of development of the society; national idea; European integration; social-political cleavage; aporetic difficulty; sistem politic; statul Republica Moldova; formulă politică; alegeri parlamentare; vectorul dezvoltării societăţii; idee naţională; integrare europeană; clivaj social-politic; dificultate aporetică; политическая система; государство Республика Молдова; политическая
формула; парламентские выборы; вестор развития общества; национальная идея; европейская интеграция; социально-политический раскол; апоретическая трудность</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The article examines the process of development of the Republic Moldova in the context of European integration process advancement. The author highlights four stages in the evolution of the state in terms of choice and application of European integration vector of the ruling political elite, based on the analysis of parliamentary elections. It concludes that European integration has now become a state policy priority both internally and externally, a policy which requires a well-founded strategic concept for modernization through the democratization of society in all its fundamental aspects.</p></cfAbstr>
<cfName cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>CrossRef DOI prefix service</cfName>
<cfDescr cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>The service of issuing DOI prefixes to publishers</cfDescr>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>persistent identifier; Digital Object Identifier</cfKeyw>