Применение метилсалицилата для привлечения энтомофагов в агроценоз сливового сада
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similare conform CZU
632.7:634.1:632.93 (1)
Повреждения растений. Вредители растений. Болезни растений. Защита растений (995)
Плодоводство (1459)
SM ISO690:2012
СУМЕНКОВА, Виктория, БАТКО, Михаил, ЕЛИСЕЕВ, Сергей. Применение метилсалицилата для привлечения энтомофагов в агроценоз сливового сада. In: Protecția Plantelor în Agricultura Convențională și Ecologică, 10-12 decembrie 2018, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Tipogr. „Biotehdesign“, 2018, pp. 72-77.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Protecția Plantelor în Agricultura Convențională și Ecologică 2018
Conferința "Consolidarea capacităților regionale pentru aplicarea tehnologiilor ecologice în sistemele integrate de gestionare a dăunătorilor"
Chişinău, Moldova, 10-12 decembrie 2018

Применение метилсалицилата для привлечения энтомофагов в агроценоз сливового сада

CZU: 632.7:634.1:632.93

Pag. 72-77

Суменкова Виктория, Батко Михаил, Елисеев Сергей
Институт генетики, физиологии и защиты растений
Disponibil în IBN: 19 iulie 2019


The use of methyl salicylate in plum orchards contributed to an increase in the number of entomophagous uр to 1.4 times compared to the control, including representatives of the order Hymenoptera to 1,5 times. The variety of plants and the age of the agroecosystem did not influence the degree of attraction of insects. Most of efficacy of MeSA is manifested after the application of insecticides, facilitating a faster subsequent accumulation of parasitic hymenoptera on the pilot area compared with the control one. It was revealed S. punctillum, the specialized acarifagous, increased by a factor 1,5 Collembola - up to 3.5 times and Phoridae flies - up to 1.9 times compared to the control

plum orchard, methyl salicylate, semiochemical, entomophagous insects