Rolul inteligenţei emoţionale în îmbunătăţirea angajabilităţii tinerilor
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858 58
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-06-22 12:44
SM ISO690:2012
MANOLESCU, Irina Teodora, ROIBU, Rodica Paula. Rolul inteligenţei emoţionale în îmbunătăţirea angajabilităţii tinerilor. In: Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale: Cu ocazia aniversării a 65 de ani de la fondarea Facultăţii de Ştiinţe Economice, Ed. 1, 2-3 noiembrie 2018, Chisinău. Chișinău: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2018, pp. 12-17. ISBN 978-9975-142-57-1.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale 2018
Conferința "Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale"
1, Chisinău, Moldova, 2-3 noiembrie 2018

Rolul inteligenţei emoţionale în îmbunătăţirea angajabilităţii tinerilor

Pag. 12-17

Manolescu Irina Teodora1, Roibu Rodica Paula2
1 Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi,
2 SC DAL Consulting SRL
Disponibil în IBN: 31 mai 2019


The main problem which our research is built on is the major imbalance between the demand and the supply of the labor force, focusing on young people resources. The relevant indicators are, on one side, the high unemplyment rate amongst young people, and the high proportion of the organisations which find difficulties in finding suitable employees for vacant jobs or for development, on the other. There are many causes of this imbalance – low birth rate, migration, the unsuitable professional training of the youth, major deficiencies in recruiting, selection and induction processes. Each and every one of these aspects are complex enough to represent the topic of a vast research. In our research we approached the aspects that have direct connection with human resources development and management of organizations. Therefore, we consider that a key role in generating and maintaining the above-mentioned differences is the poor communication, on both sides, in the recruiting, selection and induction processes, caused by an insufficient development of the participants’ emotional intelligence and a cronical crisis of the organizational leadership. The curent paper focuses on a first empirical investigation conducted during this research project, oriented towards the valorisation of emotional intelligence in the organizational leadership.

angajabilitate, Inteligenţa emoţională, leadership

DataCite XML Export

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<affiliation>Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Roibu, R.</creatorName>
<affiliation>SC DAL Consulting SRL, România</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Rolul inteligenţei emoţionale &icirc;n &icirc;mbunătăţirea angajabilităţii tinerilor</title>
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<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISBN' relationType='IsPartOf'>978-9975-142-57-1</relatedIdentifier>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The main problem which our research is built on is the major imbalance between the demand and the supply of the labor force, focusing on young people resources. The relevant indicators are, on one side, the high unemplyment rate amongst young people, and the high proportion of the organisations which find difficulties in finding suitable employees for vacant jobs or for development, on the other. There are many causes of this imbalance &ndash; low birth rate, migration, the unsuitable professional training of the youth, major deficiencies in recruiting, selection and induction processes. Each and every one of these aspects are complex enough to represent the topic of a vast research. In our research we approached the aspects that have direct connection with human resources development and management of organizations. Therefore, we consider that a key role in generating and maintaining the above-mentioned differences is the poor communication, on both sides, in the recruiting, selection and induction processes, caused by an insufficient development of the participants&rsquo; emotional intelligence and a cronical crisis of the organizational leadership. The curent paper focuses on a first empirical investigation conducted during this research project, oriented towards the valorisation of emotional intelligence in the organizational leadership.</p></description>