Particularităţile genetice a descendenţei de la diverşi tauri reproducători
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636.2.082 (19)
Крупные жвачные животные. Крупный рогатый скот (206)
SM ISO690:2012
FOCŞA, Valentin, CONSTANDOGLO, Alexandra. Particularităţile genetice a descendenţei de la diverşi tauri reproducători. In: Zootehnie şi biotehnologii , 25 septembrie 2015, Chișinău. CHIȘINĂU: Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2015, Vol. 44, pp. 282-288. ISBN 978-9975-64-125-8.
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Zootehnie şi biotehnologii
Vol. 44, 2015
Simpozionul "Zootehnie şi biotehnologii"
Chișinău, Moldova, 25 septembrie 2015

Particularităţile genetice a descendenţei de la diverşi tauri reproducători

CZU: 636.2.082

Pag. 282-288

Focşa Valentin, Constandoglo Alexandra
Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Biotehnologii în Zootehnie şi Medicină Veterinară
Disponibil în IBN: 26 martie 2019


In the article are carried out the results of detailed genetical valuation between  the descendants of different bulls in the period from 2003 till 2013. According to AEB-locus at the descendants of all bulls from 25 studied antigens common were only 6 – B2, G2, O2, Y2, E′2 and Q′. The total meeting of frequency of the basic alleles varied from 0,2250 (the descendants of bull Chiparush 79) till 0,4071 (the descendants of bull Dickey 788). The lowest coefficient of homozygote turned out to be at the descendants Abiturient 861 and Svet 732 – 5,7%. The greatest genetical resemblance is revealed between the descendants of bulls Academic 767 and Senior 7415 (r=0,8709). It is observed the tendency of increasing of coefficient of homozygote (descendants 2009-2013 date of birth) - 18%, that brought to the shortening of numbers of effective working alleles from 17,3 (the descendants of bull Abiturient) till 5,4 (descendants of bull Meteor) and to shortening till 86,4% the indicator of the degree of the possible genetical changeability.

heifer, bull, antigene, allele, genetical resemblance

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<dc:creator>Focşa, V.F.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Constandoglo, A.G.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>In the article are carried out the results of detailed genetical valuation between &nbsp;the descendants of different bulls in the period from 2003 till 2013. According to AEB-locus at the descendants of all bulls from 25 studied antigens common were only 6 &ndash; B2, G2, O2, Y2, E&prime;2 and Q&prime;. The total meeting of frequency of the basic alleles varied from 0,2250 (the descendants of bull Chiparush 79) till 0,4071 (the descendants of bull Dickey 788). The lowest coefficient of homozygote turned out to be at the descendants Abiturient 861 and Svet 732 &ndash; 5,7%. The greatest genetical resemblance is revealed between the descendants of bulls Academic 767 and Senior 7415 (r=0,8709). It is observed the tendency of increasing of coefficient of homozygote (descendants 2009-2013 date of birth) - 18%, that brought to the shortening of numbers of effective working alleles from 17,3 (the descendants of bull Abiturient) till 5,4 (descendants of bull Meteor) and to shortening till 86,4% the indicator of the degree of the possible genetical changeability.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Zootehnie şi biotehnologii  (Vol. 44) 282-288</dc:source>
<dc:subject>genetical resemblance</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Particularităţile genetice a descendenţei de la diverşi tauri reproducători</dc:title>