Recovery of essential amino acids in protein mineral concentrates at electrophysical processing of whey
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663/664+579.6 (1)
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BOLOGA, M., STEPURINA, Tatiana, VRABIE, Valeria, ILIASENCO, Olga, POLIKARPOV, Albert, GONCIARUC, Valeriu, PALADII, Irina, SPRINCEAN, Cătălina, VRABIE, Elvira. Recovery of essential amino acids in protein mineral concentrates at electrophysical processing of whey. In: Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Ed. 9, 25-28 septembrie 2018, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, 2018, Ediția 9, p. 260.
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Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Ediția 9, 2018
Conferința "International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics"
9, Chișinău, Moldova, 25-28 septembrie 2018

Recovery of essential amino acids in protein mineral concentrates at electrophysical processing of whey

CZU: 663/664+579.6

Pag. 260-260

Bologa M.1, Stepurina Tatiana2, Vrabie Valeria3, Iliasenco Olga1, Polikarpov Albert1, Gonciaruc Valeriu1, Paladii Irina1, Sprincean Cătălina1, Vrabie Elvira1
1 Institute of Applied Physics,
2 Moldova State University,
3 Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology
Disponibil în IBN: 11 februarie 2019


High biological or nutritional value of whey proteins is due to an elevated content of such amino acids as essential, conditionally essential or functional ones. It is known that whey proteins make up about 20% of milk proteins. The remaining 80% is casein. But comparing the amino acid profile of these two milk protein fractions shows that whey proteins contain a higher amount of essential amino acids and branched-chain amino acids that are physiologically extremely important and confer whey proteins an important biological value. More than 50% of amino acids in whey proteins are essential or conditionally essential ones. The study of the former ones was the purpose of this work.  The variations in the content of amino acids in protein-mineral concentrates (PMCs) at different processing regimes have been investigated by the authors. Two types of whey were the objects of study: after the manufacture of the granulated cottage cheese „Grauncior‖ (called whey with high protein content, or HWPC) and that after the manufacture of the ―Cottage cheese‖, 2% fat content (called whey with medium protein content, or MWPC), in the membrane electrolyzer EDP-4, at j=10 and 20 mA/cm2, at the stationary regime. All PMCs were collected every 5 minutes; the ratio of the volume of the processed whey (V) to the surface of the electrodes (S) V/S is 1.  The level of recovery of each essential amino acid in the PMCs depends on the time of electrophysical processing, on the current density, on pH and temperature values. The parameters for the optimal isolation of each amino acid are: for HWPCs Tre (threonine), Val (valine), Ile (isoleucine), Leu (leucine), Phe (phenyalanine), and His (histidine) - current density j=20 mA/cm2, for 10 min., pH=11.6 and tºC=29.5 ºC; for HWPC Trp (tryptophan) - current density j=10 mA/cm2, for 5 min., pH=12.1 and tºC=28ºC; for HWPC Lysine (Lys) - current density j=20 mA/cm2, for 5 min., pH=8.5 and tºC=24.5 ºC; for HWPC Arg (arginine) – current density j=20 mA/cm2, for 15 min., pH=11.6 and tºC=35 ºC. As to MWPC Met (methionine), the most appropriate parameters are – current density j=10 mA/cm2, for 20 and 25 min., pH=11.8 and tºC=25 ºC.  To sum up: the established parameters for the optimal isolation of the studied amino acids are necessary to highlight the nutritional importance of essential amino acids, which makes whey protein a premier protein for a variety of food formulations to meet or exceed dietary recommendations for essential amino acids.