Political ideas of the Diplomat Alexandru Scarlat Sturza
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SM ISO690:2012
MOŞIN, Octavian. Political ideas of the Diplomat Alexandru Scarlat Sturza. In: Relaţii internaţionale. Plus, 2018, nr. 2(14), pp. 214-227. ISSN 1857-4440.
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Relaţii internaţionale. Plus
Numărul 2(14) / 2018 / ISSN 1857-4440 /ISSNe 2587-3393

Political ideas of the Diplomat Alexandru Scarlat Sturza

CZU: 341.71

Pag. 214-227

Moşin Octavian
Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 6 februarie 2019


This article capitalises on the work of Alexander Scarlat Sturza, who held responsible positions in the Russian state, a part of which, since 1812, is also the territory between the Prut and the Dniester rivers, known today as Bessarabia. With a good theoretical knowledge, Alexander Scarlat Sturza manifested himself in his writings in the field of history, the philosophy of history, he was an active participant of many historical events of world importance, contributing to the history-making process. The social-political sources of the rehabilitation of medieval spirituality, that is to say, the ideals of Alexander Scarlat Sturza, have been embodied in the Act of the Holy Alliance. This act was anticipated by the Treaty signed at the end of the Vienna Congress, which took place from September 1814 to June 1815. Inspired by Russian Tsar Alexander I and Austrian Chancellor Matternich-Vinneburg, the act of establishing the Holy Alliance was signed in Paris by the Tsar of Russia - Alexander I, the Emperor of Austria - Francis I and the King of Prussia - Frederick Wilhelm III. England refused to join the Holy Alliance. At a later stage, the majority of sovereigns in Europe joined the pact that was renewing by four congresses. The diplomat Alexander Scarlat Sturza played an important role during these events

Alexandru Scarlat Sturza, operă,

scientific and diplomatic activities, the Holy Alliance Act

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