Intercultural dialogue in academic environment: concept and practice
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378 (2771)
Высшее образование. Университеты. Академическое обучение (2678)
SM ISO690:2012
ХОХЕЛЬ, Д., ГНАТЕНКО, С.. Intercultural dialogue in academic environment: concept and practice. In: Научно-образовательное пространство:: реалии и перспективы повышения качества образования, Ed. 1, 30 martie 2018, Comrat. Комрат: Tipografia "A & V Poligraf", 2018, Ediția 1, pp. 130-133. ISBN 978-9975-83-068-3.
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Dublin Core
Научно-образовательное пространство:
Ediția 1, 2018
Conferința "Научно-образовательное пространство:"
1, Comrat, Moldova, 30 martie 2018

Intercultural dialogue in academic environment: concept and practice

CZU: 378

Pag. 130-133

Хохель Д., Гнатенко С.
Каменец-Подольский Национальный Университет имени Ивана Огиенко
Disponibil în IBN: 9 ianuarie 2019


The article focuses on the concept of intercultural dialogue, its interpretation in various international documents, and the best practices used to introduce it into the academic life of an institution of higher education. The importance of dialogue between the representatives of various cultures in the contemporary globalized world as pertains to the academic medium of the university is explored. Moreover, the most effective means of preparing students to cross-cultural communication are discussed.

intercultural dialogue, education, academic environment, international cooperation, diversity