Lirica lui Dumitru Matcovschi – nemărginirea mărgioarei
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821.135.1-1(478).09 (186)
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SM ISO690:2012
FONARI, Victoria. Lirica lui Dumitru Matcovschi – nemărginirea mărgioarei. In: Filologia modernă: Realizări şi perspective în context European, 16-17 octombrie 2014, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Filologie, 2015, Ediția 8, pp. 107-113.
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Dublin Core
Filologia modernă: Realizări şi perspective în context European
Ediția 8, 2015
Colocviul "Filologia modernă: Realizări şi perspective în context European"
Chișinău, Moldova, 16-17 octombrie 2014

Lirica lui Dumitru Matcovschi – nemărginirea mărgioarei

CZU: 821.135.1-1(478).09

Pag. 107-113

Fonari Victoria
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 12 septembrie 2018


In the poetic text, Dumitru Matcovschi uses the word Mărgioară (edge) to mean the country or the native land. It is the space where he was, with people who have marked him. The poet makes a village on the banks of the Nistru – Vadu Raşcov – a myth of Mărgioară (edge): „The most beautiful./ No one in the book./ It was once here on …/ a mărgioară (an edge)/ A shore waters / was once here about …” (Tear of the Gods). Even if the word mărgioara will not always be written with a capital letter it is a cult accentuated by the force of a word that the common name becomes own. Status of the word Mărgioara amplifies the connotation of edges. From optical lexical edge is synonymous with marginal, peripheral, secondary ferrous, unimportant, watching etc. This field language the writer takes the position from Don Quijote and succeeds in that something common to make knightly accessories, full of nobility. Metamorphosis is determined by the aura that he makes out of the root word „edge”. Reaching the poet is like the king who has the power to achieve is the same enrichment not only materially but in the spiritual. Although conventional the word Mărgioara is limited space, it becomes the center of the earth (the connotations of the word Marioara were used by literary critic Theodor Codreanu in correspondence with the point of view Acad. Mihai Cimpoi). The diminutive opens a special relationship between lyric ego and this notion thus the convention becomes emotion. Feelings created by this word are the most diverse: pain, respect, love, compassion, dignity, praise, kindness, tenderness, swing. The word out of peripheral optics has a sacral function.

poetic text, limited space, myth of Mărgioara (edge), centre of the earth