La phonologie sous l’aspect de la pragmatique
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81’344 (1)
Языкознание и языки. Лингвистика (5177)
SM ISO690:2012
SOLOVIEVA, Elena. La phonologie sous l’aspect de la pragmatique. In: Intertext , 2017, nr. 1-2(41-42), pp. 109-114. ISSN 1857-3711.
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Numărul 1-2(41-42) / 2017 / ISSN 1857-3711 /ISSNe 2345-1750

La phonologie sous l’aspect de la pragmatique
CZU: 81’344

Pag. 109-114

Solovieva Elena
Московский государственный лингвистический университет
Disponibil în IBN: 5 septembrie 2017


Pragmatics as a part of semiotics interprets the relation of a symbol to its users. Pragmatics reveals new aspects in phonology – Trubetskoy’s theory of phonological opposition- that were touched only implicitly by the scientist. “Principles of phonology“ show how a phoneme as a unit of language is realizing in the speech turning into a sound. Taking the form of relevant signs the phoneme enriches itself by irrelevant ones, their appearance being partially conditional upon linear sequence of ranking linguistic units – morphemes, words, syntagms. In terms of pragmatics the phoneme performs a locutionary speaking act which is followed by an illocutionary act in the hierarchic structure of an illocutionary macro-act. Phonology represents a methodological pattern for all the linguistic studies including semantics where it has been successfully applied.

phonology, phoneme, speaker, word, symbol, pragmatics, semantics,

phonological opposition, distinctive function, relevant and irrelevant indices, flow of speech, signified and signifying, action of speaking, macro-act, locutionary, illocutionary