Istoria apariţiei filigranelor şi prezenţa lor în cărţile de provenienţă străină în colecţiile serviciului Carte veche şi rară al BNRM
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SM ISO690:2012
COSOVAN, Veronica. Istoria apariţiei filigranelor şi prezenţa lor în cărţile de provenienţă străină în colecţiile serviciului Carte veche şi rară al BNRM. In: Magazin bibliologic, 2011, nr. 1-2, pp. 69-74. ISSN 1857-1476.
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Dublin Core
Magazin bibliologic
Numărul 1-2 / 2011 / ISSN 1857-1476

Istoria apariţiei filigranelor şi prezenţa lor în cărţile de provenienţă străină în colecţiile serviciului Carte veche şi rară al BNRM

Pag. 69-74

Cosovan Veronica
Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 21 iulie 2017


A watermark is a translucent design impressed on paper during manufacture and visible when the paper is held to the light. The word watermark is composed of two Latin words: filum – thread and granum – grains, which emphasize the finesse of the watermark ornament. At first the information and documents on watermarks and the history of paper was accumulated by paleography. The filigranology as an auxiliary science of the history science emerged in the late nineteenth – early twentieth centuries. It studied the paper watermarks in order to determine their origin, the date of manufacture, quality and paper format. Filigranology helps paleography, bibliology and philology to locate, date and authenticate ancient documents. Filigranology also deals with the history of paper and the factories that produced it. That is why, the synonym of the word filigree is papermark or watermark.

Cerif XML Export

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Istoria apariţiei filigranelor şi prezenţa lor în cărţile de provenienţă străină în colecţiile serviciului Carte veche şi rară al BNRM</cfTitle>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>A watermark is a translucent design impressed on paper during manufacture and visible when the paper is held to the light. The word watermark is composed of two Latin words: filum – thread and granum – grains, which emphasize the finesse of the watermark ornament. At first the information and documents on watermarks and the history of paper was accumulated by paleography. The filigranology as an auxiliary science of the history science emerged in the late nineteenth – early twentieth centuries. It studied the paper watermarks in order to determine their origin, the date of manufacture, quality and paper format. Filigranology helps paleography, bibliology and philology to locate, date and authenticate ancient documents. Filigranology also deals with the history of paper and the factories that produced it. That is why, the synonym of the word filigree is papermark or watermark. </cfAbstr>