G. Călinescu: Domina bona
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821.135.1.09 (648)
Литература на балканских романских языках (2138)
SM ISO690:2012
ILIN, Stancu. G. Călinescu: Domina bona. In: Philologia, 2016, nr. 3-4(285-286), pp. 34-44. ISSN 1857-4300.
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Numărul 3-4(285-286) / 2016 / ISSN 1857-4300 /ISSNe 2587-3717

G. Călinescu: Domina bona
CZU: 821.135.1.09

Pag. 34-44

Ilin Stancu
Institutul de Istorie şi Teorie Literară "George Călinescu"
Disponibil în IBN: 23 noiembrie 2016


This study analyses the famous article about Ion Luca Caragiale entitled Domina Bona, signed by the divine critic George Călinescu and published in „Literary Journal” (second series), no. 2, June 1947. In The History of Romanian Literature from origins to the present from 1941, G. Călinescu axed its chapter about I. L. Caragiale on the author’s prose, especially on that fantastic one. Bona and the whole suite of articles from „Literary Journal” (second series), which were, in fact, the teacher’s lessons at the Faculty of Letters from 1946 to 1947 from the University of Bucharest, came as a complement, investigating Caragiale’s drama. The author’s conclusion is that in Domina bona, G. Călinescu outlines an excellent psychological portrait of I. L. Caragiale.

Paraphrase, psychological portrait,

character’s „morality”, „ethical mistake”, physicality, duplicitous character, mysticism technique, fatalistic heroes, Celtic spirit, aristocratism, amoralism, „delirium of ideas”, the soul essence, infantile exuberances, metaphysical prose