Casele de copii de tip familie - oportuniate de dezvoltare armonioasă
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SM ISO690:2012
DASCAL, Maricela. Casele de copii de tip familie - oportuniate de dezvoltare armonioasă. In: Revistă de știinţe socioumane , 2010, nr. 3(16), pp. 89-96. ISSN 1857-0119.
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Revistă de știinţe socioumane
Numărul 3(16) / 2010 / ISSN 1857-0119 /ISSNe 2587-330X

Casele de copii de tip familie - oportuniate de dezvoltare armonioasă

Pag. 89-96

Dascal Maricela
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 24 mai 2016


Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some kids live with both parents. Others live with either just mom or just dad or go back and forth between their parents' homes. Others might live with a grandparent. And some kids live with a foster family. All children need someone to take care of them. Kids need a house, a place to sleep, nutritious food to eat, clothes to wear, and toys to play with. Kids also need someone who will take them to the doctor and dentist, make sure they get a bath, and get them up in the morning so they get to school. And just as important, kids need someone who loves them and does not hurt or abuse them. An well-monitored foster care can ensure that children who cannot be cared for by their families still grow up in a family environment and respect for a child’s right to grow up in a family environment.

DataCite XML Export

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<title xml:lang='ro'>Casele de copii de tip familie - oportuniate de dezvoltare armonioasă</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some kids live with both parents. Others live with either just mom or just dad or go back and forth between their parents' homes. Others might live with a grandparent. And some kids live with a foster family. All children need someone to take care of them. Kids need a house, a place to sleep, nutritious food to eat, clothes to wear, and toys to play with. Kids also need someone who will take them to the doctor and dentist, make sure they get a bath, and get them up in the morning so they get to school. And just as important, kids need someone who loves them and does not hurt or abuse them.  An well-monitored foster care can ensure that children who cannot be cared for by their families still grow up in a family environment and respect for a child’s right to grow up in a family environment. </description>