Changing the morpho-functional and sensory-motor parameters, of the athletes that are practicing the volleyball game (junior ii), after applying methods that resides from video/biomechanical analysis
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796.325.012.2-053.2 (1)
SM ISO690:2012
ONESIM, Florin. Changing the morpho-functional and sensory-motor parameters, of the athletes that are practicing the volleyball game (junior ii), after applying methods that resides from video/biomechanical analysis. In: Ştiinţa Culturii Fizice, 2014, nr. 20(4), pp. 59-64. ISSN 1857-4114.
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Ştiinţa Culturii Fizice
Numărul 20(4) / 2014 / ISSN 1857-4114 /ISSNe 2537-6438

Changing the morpho-functional and sensory-motor parameters, of the athletes that are practicing the volleyball game (junior ii), after applying methods that resides from video/biomechanical analysis
CZU: 796.325.012.2-053.2

Pag. 59-64

Onesim Florin
Secondary School ,,Ion Irimescu”, Falticeni
Disponibil în IBN: 15 octombrie 2015


In this paper, we tried to emphasize the effects that video analysis and biomechanical analysis have on functional, sensory and motor parameters. In the purview pedagogical approach were tested initially and finally, a number of parameters. all tests, the values obtained were better experimental group, P <0,05,0.01.

În această lucrare am încercat să scoatem în evidenţă efectele pe care le are analiza video/biomecanică asupra parametrilor senzoriali, funcţionali şi motorii. În cadrul demersului pedagogic, am testat o serie de parametri, iniţial şi final, iar valorile obţinute au fost în favoarea grupei experiment (P <0.05, 0.01).

video analysis, biomechanical analysis, functional parameters, sensory parameters, motor parameters,

pedagogical research.

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