Traducătorul – Homo ludens în contextul comunicării interculturale: între teorie şi practică
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Языкознание и языки. Лингвистика (5177)
SM ISO690:2012
GHEORGHIŢĂ, Elena. Traducătorul – Homo ludens în contextul comunicării interculturale: între teorie şi practică. In: Intertext , 2014, nr. 1-2(30), pp. 82-91. ISSN 1857-3711.
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Dublin Core
Numărul 1-2(30) / 2014 / ISSN 1857-3711 /ISSNe 2345-1750

Traducătorul – Homo ludens în contextul comunicării interculturale: între teorie şi practică
CZU: 81'25

Pag. 82-91

Gheorghiţă Elena
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 30 aprilie 2014


Current article is dedicated to identification of key features of translator’s linguistic personality. Translator is viewed as homo ludens and the central figure of the process of communication between representatives of various cultures. Special attention is being paid to the risk in the context of translation, which is the main element of the episteme and the determining factor for establishing the intentional scope of the translator. The concept TRANSLATOR includes a number of metaphors that also lead us to the idea of risk and consequently game. We analyze the concept of linguistic personality, paying attention to the terminology used in reference literature in this respect. We have also proposed the scheme of integrated translator’s personality and have analysed stages of its development, giving examples from own professional experience and from the activities performed with students in the classroom and online.

process of translation, homo ludens, translator’s integrated linguistic personality,

linguistic personality, Risk