Fenomenul votului etnic în Republica Moldova (cazul găgăuz)
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SM ISO690:2012
PUTINĂ, Natalia. Fenomenul votului etnic în Republica Moldova (cazul găgăuz). In: Moldoscopie, 2012, nr. 2(57), pp. 138-147. ISSN 1812-2566.
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Numărul 2(57) / 2012 / ISSN 1812-2566 /ISSNe 2587-4063

Fenomenul votului etnic în Republica Moldova (cazul găgăuz)

Pag. 138-147

Putină Natalia
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 5 decembrie 2013


The phenomenon of ethnic vote in Republic of Moldova is presented from the declaration of independence still today. It was been created by the ethno-li-nguistic cleavage of Moldavian society. The most important aspects of that clea-vage are: the ethno-linguistic identity, the degree of interethnic tolerance and the directions of state’s extern politics. The first part of this paper starts with a general framework reflection of manifestation of ethnic vote in our country. We refer to the correlation between ethnic vote and Moldavian party system; to the reasons of Moldavian’s minori-ties to prefer just certain political parties and the characteristics of electoral of-fers oriented to attract minority’s vote. As well, the research reflects the peculi-arities and premises of Gagauzian ethnic voting, that is most popular in their autonomy in comparison with other localities also compacted habited by mino-rities (Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians).