Date preliminare privind utilizarea spectroscopiei EDS pentru studiul materialului tegular din primele secole p. Chr .
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543.42:902.6 (1)
Спектральные методы анализа. Оптические методы анализа (69)
Археология (941)
SM ISO690:2012
MATVEEV, Sergiu, BRANIŞTE, Fiodor, SPRINCEAN, Veaceslav. Date preliminare privind utilizarea spectroscopiei EDS pentru studiul materialului tegular din primele secole p. Chr .. In: Integrare prin cercetare și inovare.: Ştiinţe ale naturii și exacte, 9-10 noiembrie 2023, Chișinău. Chisinau, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2023, SNE, pp. 774-789. ISBN 978-9975-62-690-3.
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Dublin Core
Integrare prin cercetare și inovare.
SNE, 2023
Conferința "Integrare prin cercetare și inovare."
Chișinău, Moldova, 9-10 noiembrie 2023

Date preliminare privind utilizarea spectroscopiei EDS pentru studiul materialului tegular din primele secole p. Chr .

Preliminary data regarding the use of EDS spectroscopy for the study of tile material from the first centuries BC

CZU: 543.42:902.6

Pag. 774-789

Matveev Sergiu1, Branişte Fiodor2, Sprincean Veaceslav1
1 Universitatea de Stat din Moldova,
2 Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 3 aprilie 2024


In the mid 20th century near Sobari village (Soroca District, Republic of Moldova) was discovered an archaeological site dated with the 3rd-4th centuries AD identified as a Sântana de Mureş-Černjachov archeological culture site. Its uniqueness compared to other similar sites from the space between Prut and Dniester Rivers is determined by the presence of a stone structure enforced with mortar inside which was found a building with walls built of stone and brick, roof of tiles, glass window and peristyle made of wood pillars set on stone bases. Archaeological research statistic data reveals thousands of pieces of tile material. Besides this complex, within the limits of the site, were also identified several structures made of wood smeared with clay, one of which inside the stone precinct. The presence of such a complex in the barbarian environment at a distance of around 300 km from the Roman Empire border raised discussion regarding its origin. Several hypothesizes were advanced: according to one the site had been created by people with origins in the provincial Roman environment, according to other this site was an attempt to strengthen the seat of the local leader, other researchers included the site in the category of Roman commercial-craftsman factories etc. The researchers’ opinion regarding the origin of the tile material are divided as well, most of whom consider them to be brought from the Empire, while other think they are of local production. Certain arguments in favor of one or another hypothesis can be obtained through laboratory analysis employing EDS method. Comparative statistic analysis of identified chemical elements allows finding the morphology of the material, structure, matrix texture and porosity degree for each studied group. Various materials found within the archaeological site were subject to the mentioned analysis, such as brick, tile, pantile, burned clay from the precinct mortar and burned clay from the wall of the houses made of wood and clay, also regular tiles found on the ground surface in the Danubian Roman provinces.

Roman era, tegular material, brick, tile, EDX analysis

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Matveev, S.V.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Branişte, F.V.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Sprincean, V.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Date preliminare privind utilizarea spectroscopiei EDS pentru studiul materialului tegular din primele secole p. Chr .</title>
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<subject>Roman era</subject>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>In the mid 20th century near Sobari village (Soroca District, Republic of Moldova) was discovered an archaeological site dated with the 3rd-4th centuries AD identified as a S&acirc;ntana de Mureş-Černjachov archeological culture site. Its uniqueness compared to other similar sites from the space between Prut and Dniester Rivers is determined by the presence of a stone structure enforced with mortar inside which was found a building with walls built of stone and brick, roof of tiles, glass window and peristyle made of wood pillars set on stone bases. Archaeological research statistic data reveals thousands of pieces of tile material. Besides this complex, within the limits of the site, were also identified several structures made of wood smeared with clay, one of which inside the stone precinct. The presence of such a complex in the barbarian environment at a distance of around 300 km from the Roman Empire border raised discussion regarding its origin. Several hypothesizes were advanced: according to one the site had been created by people with origins in the provincial Roman environment, according to other this site was an attempt to strengthen the seat of the local leader, other researchers included the site in the category of Roman commercial-craftsman factories etc. The researchers&rsquo; opinion regarding the origin of the tile material are divided as well, most of whom consider them to be brought from the Empire, while other think they are of local production. Certain arguments in favor of one or another hypothesis can be obtained through laboratory analysis employing EDS method. Comparative statistic analysis of identified chemical elements allows finding the morphology of the material, structure, matrix texture and porosity degree for each studied group. Various materials found within the archaeological site were subject to the mentioned analysis, such as brick, tile, pantile, burned clay from the precinct mortar and burned clay from the wall of the houses made of wood and clay, also regular tiles found on the ground surface in the Danubian Roman provinces.</p></description>