Some Aspects Regarding the Fiscal Approach in Economic Classicism
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336.22 (395)
Государственные доходы (486)
SM ISO690:2012
PLATON, Nicolae, ȚURCANU, Igor. Some Aspects Regarding the Fiscal Approach in Economic Classicism. In: Analele Universităţii Ovidius, Seria: Ştiinţe Economice, 2020, vol. 20, nr. 2, pp. 432-438. ISSN 2393-3119.
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Dublin Core
Analele Universităţii Ovidius, Seria: Ştiinţe Economice
Volumul 20, Numărul 2 / 2020 / ISSN 2393-3119 /ISSNe 2393-3127

Some Aspects Regarding the Fiscal Approach in Economic Classicism

CZU: 336.22
JEL: E62, H3.

Pag. 432-438

Platon Nicolae, Țurcanu Igor
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 18 martie 2024


Finances have appeared on the stage of social-political life on the background of the development of the production factors and of the monetary relations, with the appearance of the state and the establishment of its public power as a collector of duties and taxes. In this article, the author highlights the evolution of economic thought through which it has been possible to efficiently integrate public finances from taxes and duties within the framework of economic classicism. The purpose of the research resides in the evolutionary study of the fiscal relations through the prism of the economic thought.

Tax Administration, Fiscal policy

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Țurcanu, I.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Finances have appeared on the stage of social-political life on the background of the development of the production factors and of the monetary relations, with the appearance of the state and the establishment of its public power as a collector of duties and taxes. In this article, the author highlights the evolution of economic thought through which it has been possible to efficiently integrate public finances from taxes and duties within the framework of economic classicism. The purpose of the research resides in the evolutionary study of the fiscal relations through the prism of the economic thought.</p></description>