Основы и значение лидерства в управлении компанией
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005.322:316.46 (46)
Деятельность в сфере управления (438)
Социальные процессы. Социальная динамика (590)
SM ISO690:2012
COVALENCO, Larisa. Основы и значение лидерства в управлении компанией. In: Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători , Ed. 20, 7-8 aprilie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău Republica Moldova: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2023, Ediţia 21, Vol.1, pp. 116-121. ISBN 978-9975-180-04-7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/sstc.v1.25
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Dublin Core
Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători
Ediţia 21, Vol.1, 2023
Simpozionul "Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători"
20, Chişinău, Moldova, 7-8 aprilie 2023

Основы и значение лидерства в управлении компанией

Fundamentele și importanța conducătorii în mănăgmentului companiei

Fundamentals and importance of leadership in company managment

CZU: 005.322:316.46
JEL: M54

Pag. 116-121

Covalenco Larisa
Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 13 martie 2024


The article discusses the concept, features of leadership and, based on the analysis, describes the influence of leadership on company management. The article also presents the qualities characteristic of an effective leader, the optimal leadership style and the importance of leadership, especially in critical periods of the enterprise. Research and consideration of the topic of leadership remains relevant also because the changes that occur in society at all levels, without affecting the foundations of leadership, necessitate understanding of the concept and application at all levels.

leadership, influence, power, authority, manager, company, management

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The article discusses the concept, features of leadership and, based on the analysis, describes the influence of leadership on company management. The article also presents the qualities characteristic of an effective leader, the optimal leadership style and the importance of leadership, especially in critical periods of the enterprise. Research and consideration of the topic of leadership remains relevant also because the changes that occur in society at all levels, without affecting the foundations of leadership, necessitate understanding of the concept and application at all levels.</p></description>