Analiza domeniilor privind completarea și păstrarea fondurilor arhivistice ale Direcției Generale Arhiva Națională
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930.25 (44)
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SM ISO690:2012
BOSTAN, Iurie. Analiza domeniilor privind completarea și păstrarea fondurilor arhivistice ale Direcției Generale Arhiva Națională. In: Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine, Ed. 8, 26-27 septembrie 2023, Chişinău. Iași – Chișinău-Lviv: 2023, Ediția 8, pp. 336-341. ISSN 2558 – 894X. DOI:
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Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine
Ediția 8, 2023
Conferința "Yesterday’s cultural heritage – contribution to the development of tomorrow’s sustainable society"
8, Chişinău, Moldova, 26-27 septembrie 2023

Analiza domeniilor privind completarea și păstrarea fondurilor arhivistice ale Direcției Generale Arhiva Națională

Analysis of the process of acquisition and preservation of the archival fonds of the General Di­rectorate of the the National Archives

CZU: 930.25

Pag. 336-341

Bostan Iurie
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 23 ianuarie 2024


The two primary functions of the archival system are the acquisition and preservation of documents that are part of the archival fond of the Republic of Moldova. The process of acquisition is carried out by all state archives, including the General Directorate of the National Archives (DGAN), a structural subdivision of the National Archive Agency, in order to add to their collections documents from the State archival fond, the fond of the archival society, and from institutions, organizations, enterprises, and individuals. DGAN researches and identifies institutions, organizations, and individuals which preserve or temporarily create documents which have a historical, scientific, cultural, or legal value, etc. and which serve as the basis of legislative acts and other normative acts, documents of the organs of the Procuracy, courts, and organs of the public administration, and cultural productions, etc.

Archival Fond of the Republic of Moldova (FARM), National Archives Agency (ANA), General Directorate of the National Archive (DGAN), State Archival Fond (FAS), Expertise and Control Commission (CEC), document preservation and acquisition

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<dc:creator>Bostan, I.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>The two primary functions of the archival system are the acquisition and preservation of documents that are part of the archival fond of the Republic of Moldova. The process of acquisition is carried out by all state archives, including the General Directorate of the National Archives (DGAN), a structural subdivision of the National Archive Agency, in order to add to their collections documents from the State archival fond, the fond of the archival society, and from institutions, organizations, enterprises, and individuals. DGAN researches and identifies institutions, organizations, and individuals which preserve or temporarily create documents which have a historical, scientific, cultural, or legal value, etc. and which serve as the basis of legislative acts and other normative acts, documents of the organs of the Procuracy, courts, and organs of the public administration, and cultural productions, etc.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine (Ediția 8) 336-341</dc:source>
<dc:subject>Archival Fond of the Republic of Moldova (FARM)</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>National Archives Agency
<dc:subject>General Directorate of the National Archive (DGAN)</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>State Archival Fond (FAS)</dc:subject>
and Control Commission (CEC)</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>document preservation and acquisition</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Analiza domeniilor privind completarea și păstrarea fondurilor arhivistice ale Direcției Generale Arhiva Națională</dc:title>