Rolul transporturilor în organizarea activității ospitalității
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183 10
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-06-11 13:14
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
338.488.1 (2)
Туризм. Экономика туризма (548)
SM ISO690:2012
NAZAR, Nadejda, DOMBROVSCHI, Ina. Rolul transporturilor în organizarea activității ospitalității. In: Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities, Ed. 2, 21 februarie 2023, Chisinau. Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2023, Ediţia 2, pp. 118-123. DOI:
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities
Ediţia 2, 2023
Simpozionul "Dezvoltarea turismului sustenabil: actualităţi şi oportunităţi"
2, Chisinau, Moldova, 21 februarie 2023

Rolul transporturilor în organizarea activității ospitalității

The role of transportation in the organization hospitality activities

CZU: 338.488.1
JEL: F62, F63, M31

Pag. 118-123

Nazar Nadejda, Dombrovschi Ina
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 20 octombrie 2023


The topicality of the elaborated theme consists in the fact that transport represents an essential component of the economy of any state. Transport represents the engine of tourism development around the world, which ensures the normal functioning of the economy. In the specialized literature, it is specified that the tourism industry includes various activities that have an essential function for satisfying the needs of foreign and local tourists. Thus, the tourism industry represents the offer of the tourist market, which consists of organizations dedicated to the production and provision of tourist services in a certain country. The role of transport services in tourism is manifested through the organization of various cultural and tourist activities. Studying the tourist infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova, we can see that the geographical situation allows the access of foreign tourists. Most types of transport, namely air transport and land transport - road and rail; with the exception of naval transport, they are used to transport domestic tourists and foreign tourists who come to visit us in the country. The analysis of the reason for travel is quite specific to each individual person. Both foreign tourists who visit our country, as well as citizens of the republic who go abroad, on the first plan highlight the reason for vacation and rest. For foreign tourists visiting the Republic of Moldova, this component is about 85-95%, and for domestic tourists going abroad the reason for vacation and rest is about 98% respectively. The research carried out allows the proposal of perspectives for the development of the hospitality organization process and the specifics of the use of means of transport.

transport, air transport, road transport, railway transport, river transport, tourism, hospitality