Evoluția necesităților diasporei moldovenești prin prisma piramidei lui Maslow și a celor șapte congrese ale diasporei
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2024-06-07 13:28
SM ISO690:2012
CHIRVAS, Cristina. Evoluția necesităților diasporei moldovenești prin prisma piramidei lui Maslow și a celor șapte congrese ale diasporei. In: Диаспоры в современном мире: региональный контекст и потенциал для устой чивого развития страны происхождения, Ed. 1, 21 decembrie 2017 - 22 decembrie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2017, pp. 583-589.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Диаспоры в современном мире: региональный контекст и потенциал для устой чивого развития страны происхождения 2017
Conferința "Диаспоры в современном мире: региональный контекст и потенциал для устой чивого развития страны происхождения"
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 21 decembrie 2017 - 22 decembrie 2021

Evoluția necesităților diasporei moldovenești prin prisma piramidei lui Maslow și a celor șapte congrese ale diasporei

Эволюция потребностей молдавской диаспоры через пирамиду Маслоу и семь конгрессов диаспоры

Evolution of the needs of the Moldovan diaspora through the Maslow pyramid and the seven diaspora congresses

Pag. 583-589

Chirvas Cristina
Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 31 iulie 2023


The creation of Diaspora abroad is one of the important effects of migration for the entire World. For our country, the creation of Diaspora it is a relatively new process and this article presents the evolution of Diaspora’s necessities through the prism of Maslow’s hierarchy, the ways to ensure basic needs and growth opportunities for self-actualization needs. Also, the article describe the evolution of Diaspora’s needs during the 7 editions of Diaspora Congress, strengths, aspects for improvement and suggestions that would support the Moldovan Diaspora to meet her aspirations.

diaspora, migrant, needs, Congress, countries of origin, development, hierarchy, motivation

Dublin Core Export

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<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>The creation of Diaspora abroad is one of the important effects of migration for the entire World. For our country, the creation of Diaspora it is a relatively new process and this article presents the evolution of Diaspora&rsquo;s necessities through the prism of Maslow&rsquo;s hierarchy, the ways to ensure basic needs and growth opportunities for self-actualization needs. Also, the article describe the evolution of Diaspora&rsquo;s needs during the 7 editions of Diaspora Congress, strengths, aspects for improvement and suggestions that would support the Moldovan Diaspora to meet her aspirations.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Диаспоры в современном мире: региональный контекст и потенциал для устой чивого развития страны происхождения () 583-589</dc:source>
<dc:subject>countries of origin</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Evoluția necesităților diasporei moldovenești prin prisma piramidei lui Maslow și a celor șapte congrese ale diasporei</dc:title>