Varietăţi antroponimice actuale
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2024-04-23 21:09
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811.135.1'373.23(478) (6)
Балканские романские языки (1473)
SM ISO690:2012
CONDREA, Iraida. Varietăţi antroponimice actuale. In: Limba Română , 2023, nr. 5-6(283-284), pp. 106-117. ISSN 0235-9111.
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Dublin Core
Limba Română
Numărul 5-6(283-284) / 2023 / ISSN 0235-9111

Varietăţi antroponimice actuale

Current anthroponymic varieties

CZU: 811.135.1'373.23(478)

Pag. 106-117

Condrea Iraida
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 5 iulie 2023


Each ethnic group has its own anthroponymic background, formed in accordance with cultural traditions and the peculiarities of expression in the respective languages. In the 21st century, several intercultural influences are taking shape, which change the traditional anthroponymic paradigms. Given the fact that a person’s name is fixed in personal bonds, clear rules are needed for establishing the onomastic nomenclature and its use, including writing, changing, modifying names, rendering foreign names, etc. In several countries there are normative acts regarding the use of personal names, and a series of practices can be adopted in the Republic of Moldova.

onomastics, anthroponyms, personal names, anthroponymic variants, loan