Motivațiile, nevoile și atitudinea consumatorilor turiști în turismul de aventură
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2024-05-23 17:13
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338.48-51:366.1 (1)
Туризм. Экономика туризма (548)
Консьюмеризм. Движение в защиту интересов потребителей (156)
SM ISO690:2012
LUCA, Tatiana, NEPOTU, Lucia. Motivațiile, nevoile și atitudinea consumatorilor turiști în turismul de aventură. In: Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities, Ed. 1, 27 septembrie 2022, Chisinau. Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2022, pp. 202-206. DOI:
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Development of sustainable tourism: actualities and opportunities 2022
Simpozionul "Dezvoltarea turismului sustenabil: actualităţi şi oportunităţi"
1, Chisinau, Moldova, 27 septembrie 2022

Motivațiile, nevoile și atitudinea consumatorilor turiști în turismul de aventură

Motivations, needs and attitudes of tourist consumers in adventure tourism

CZU: 338.48-51:366.1
JEL: Q51, F61

Pag. 202-206

Luca Tatiana, Nepotu Lucia
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 21 februarie 2023


For billions of tourists around the world - those who want to travel in search of unique experiences - adventure travel has become a cornerstone of the tourist experience. Indeed, as we move towards a more globalized world, consumers are increasingly looking for authentic experiences, and adventure tourism is undoubtedly one of the segments in high demand. For travelers, adventure tourism means an experiential holiday; adding value as they learn and interact with local people and connect with their core values. For companies and travel destinations, adventure tourism attracts off-peak visitors, highlights a destination's natural and cultural values, thereby promoting conservation, helping to differentiate destinations from competitors and creating resilient and engaged travelers. These are just some of the reasons why it is essential that businesses understand and work with adventure tourism professionals.

tourist, motivation, attitude, need, adventure, adventure tourism