The libraries of yesterday and today
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SM ISO690:2012
PETCU, Mariana. The libraries of yesterday and today. In: Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society: International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of ULIM's foundation, Ed. 14th Edition, 20 octombrie 2022, Chişinău. Chişinău: 2022, Ediţia a 14-a, p. 52.
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Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society
Ediţia a 14-a, 2022
Conferința "Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society "
14th Edition, Chişinău, Moldova, 20 octombrie 2022

The libraries of yesterday and today

CZU: 027

Pag. 52-52

Petcu Mariana
Necunoscută, România
Disponibil în IBN: 26 ianuarie 2023


Voltaire said "Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers." And where could one find as many answers to his dilemmas, to his happiness or sadness, than in a library? Here is the confluence of all literary species and genres, but also of the heart. We all know that we cannot educate only the mind without taking into account the heart, the feelings, the latest economic and political developments in the world. Perhaps now we joined our hearts the most, now we tried to empathize with others, held hands and looked into each other's eyes crossing the borders of language, culture and spirit. The magic of words is overcome by gestures, mimicry, curiosity. The library strengthens its importance for the community through interaction, through projects, through partnerships, thus modernizing itself by adapting some services on the fly - especially those of technologies and new applications - artificial intelligence being a factor in the reorganization of personal and social life. The library becoming a public space, an open platform in which to find the knowledge/teachings of our forefathers as well as current and future ones. The defined role is to develop in a balanced way systems and methods that others can use in order to identify, analyze and distribute new information useful to students, teachers and the community.

library, books, soul, children, love

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