South-west university library tour
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027.7:004 (15)
Библиотечное дело. Библиотековедение (699)
Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника. Обработка данных (4280)
SM ISO690:2012
OPALCHENSKA, Mihaela Ivo. South-west university library tour. In: Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society: International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of ULIM's foundation, Ed. 14th Edition, 20 octombrie 2022, Chişinău. Chişinău: 2022, Ediţia a 14-a, pp. 48-49.
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Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society
Ediţia a 14-a, 2022
Conferința "Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society "
14th Edition, Chişinău, Moldova, 20 octombrie 2022

South-west university library tour

CZU: 027.7:004

Pag. 48-49

Opalchenska Mihaela Ivo
South-West University „Neofit Rilski”
Disponibil în IBN: 26 ianuarie 2023


Today, The University Library at the ‘Neofit Rilski’ State University is both a physical and a virtual place, but the physical presence continues to be a strong support for our academic community. While remaining committed to its primary mission of providing access to knowledge and promoting literacy, the role of the 21st century library extends far beyond the borrowing of books. Libraries, more than any other institutions, have the capacity to build the knowledge society. They can assist users in building the ability to benefit from information and to create new knowledge that is essential for full participation in modern society. Apart from being a physical space, the library in the digital age is also a virtual place, accessible from anywhere in the world and at any time. As part of the trends to transform information into digital formats, public libraries will change the nature of their physical presence and hold fewer and fewer materials in their collections. Increasingly, library users will access information through library networks. Websites, online discussion groups, classes, Wi-Fi hotspots, etc. are examples of the growing presence of the virtual library. Digital technologies are also changing traditional book publishing, so libraries must be open to new digital forms and possibilities. Many libraries are creating spaces where a variety of tools and technologies inspire learning, discovery, and creation, and where experimentation is encouraged with trained library staff and community mentors. We are currently undergoing profound changes in our work, education and social environment, changes that are having significant implications for the way libraries operate, the services they offer and the ways in which they are delivered. Although the importance of libraries seems to be challenged by the rapid evolution of the needs of the global market and the great abundance of digital information, there is no institution equal to libraries in offering access to knowledge, in teaching information seeking strategies in any format and analysis and evaluation of the information received. Libraries have long been places to read, study and work, but in today's economy they must be much more. They should also inspire, entertain and engage. They should become centers that facilitate learning in all its forms, they should be a place to experience where it is exciting and educational.

library, virtual place, knowledge society, digital technologies