Evenimentele din 1812 şi consecinţele lor
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94(478)(063) (38)
История Молдавии. Республика Молдова (69)
SM ISO690:2012
EŞANU, Andrei. Evenimentele din 1812 şi consecinţele lor . In: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”, 2012, nr. 2(25), pp. 65-67. ISSN 1857-0461.
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Dublin Core
Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”
Numărul 2(25) / 2012 / ISSN 1857-0461 /ISSNe 2587-3687

Evenimentele din 1812 şi consecinţele lor
CZU: 94(478)(063)

Pag. 65-67

Eşanu Andrei
Institutul de Istorie, Stat şi Drept al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 19 noiembrie 2013


In the presentation THE EVENTS OF 1812 AND LATER POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS the author communicates that the Peace Treaty, signed 16/28 May in Bucharest between the Ottoman and the Russian Empires, had the heaviest consequences for the Country of Moldova, specifically for the population between Prut and Dniester, area called Bessarabia which was annexed to the Tsarist Empire. The event was qualified as tragic, one that has slowed down political, economic, cultural and spiritual development of the province. The author believes that many issues of identity, language, history, political guidance that concern today’s Moldovan society are rooted in the distressing event of 1812.