Evaluation of the health aspects of the human development index in the Northern Development Region of the Republic of Moldova
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614.2(478-17) (2)
Общественная и профессиональная организация здравоохранения (882)
SM ISO690:2012
LOZOVANU, Dorin, BUNDUC, Petru, CUJBĂ, Vadim. Evaluation of the health aspects of the human development index in the Northern Development Region of the Republic of Moldova. In: Lucrările Seminarului Geografic Internaţional „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Ed. 42, 14-16 octombrie 2022, Iași. Iași, România: Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2022, Ediția 42, pp. 82-83.
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Lucrările Seminarului Geografic Internaţional „Dimitrie Cantemir”
Ediția 42, 2022
Seminarul " Lucrările Seminarului Geografic Internaţional „Dimitrie Cantemir”"
42, Iași, Romania, 14-16 octombrie 2022

Evaluation of the health aspects of the human development index in the Northern Development Region of the Republic of Moldova

CZU: 614.2(478-17)

Pag. 82-83

Lozovanu Dorin, Bunduc Petru, Cujbă Vadim
Institute of Ecology and Geography
Disponibil în IBN: 8 noiembrie 2022


Based on the research specific to medical geography, the aspects of health and medical infrastructure of the rayons within the Northern Development Region of the Republic of Moldova are evaluated, aspects that have an impact on the determination of the human development index. The research carried out fits into the wider framework of human geography, with applications to regional geography, regional mapping and useful results for decision-makers and the general public. The methodological basis for the proposed research in the field of medical geography with regional applicability to the Northern region of the Republic of Moldova has been documented taking into account similar studies at the international and national level, but the results can only be achieved with a truthful and detailed basis at the regional level, that allows the evaluation of the actual situation, dynamics and distribution in territorial profile. Thus, the specific indicators and concepts related to the study of medical geography were determined, following the documentation and creation of the database necessary for the study, consulting and processing the statistical information under a chrono-spatial aspect. The indicators and dynamics as a whole were taken into consideration in the North Development Region, then at the level of the rayons and the municipality of Balti. The analyzed indicators include the number of medical personnel in territorial profile and their ratio per 10,000 inhabitants for administrative units, hospitalization capacity, reflected in the number of beds in hospitals and relative to 10,000 inhabitants, the type and categories of medical units, the dynamics of the number of pharmacies, as well as and the population's accessibility to primary and emergency healthcare. Most of the researched indicators show regressive values, thus the number of doctors for the region decreased from 2324 in 2003 to 1597 in 2020, as well as their ratio per 10,000 inhabitants decreased from 22.4 in 2003 to below 18 today. The situation is similar for other medical personnel, number of hospitals and beds in hospitals, the only exception being the one related to pharmacies, which even registered an increase in total, reaching 404 units. Aspects of health status also include the morbidity rate, which can be examined in a territorial profile. The population's morbidity risk through malignant tumors and tuberculosis was examined at the commune level. Both have different values and in each rayon several communes with increased risk are identified. A complimentary indicator is also that of pregnancy interruptions, which vary a lot in the territorial profile, from 10.6 in the Soroca rayon to 106.4 in the Ocnița rayon, based on 100 live births, for the year 2020. Based on the various indicators, their analysis in the territorial plan and the chrono-spatial dynamics, the calculation and determination of the general state regarding the aspects of medical geography at the regional level is reached, through the population health index and implicitly the human development index in the rayons of the Development Region North of the Republic of Moldova.

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<cfVol>Ediția 42</cfVol>
<cfTitle cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>Evaluation of the health aspects of the human development index in the Northern Development Region of the Republic of Moldova</cfTitle>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>Based on the research specific to medical geography, the aspects of health and medical infrastructure of the rayons within the Northern Development Region of the Republic of Moldova are evaluated, aspects that have an impact on the determination of the human development index. The research carried out fits into the wider framework of human geography, with applications to regional geography, regional mapping and useful results for decision-makers and the general public. The methodological basis for the proposed research in the field of medical geography with regional applicability to the Northern region of the Republic of Moldova has been documented taking into account similar studies at the international and national level, but the results can only be achieved with a truthful and detailed basis at the regional level, that allows the evaluation of the actual situation, dynamics and distribution in territorial profile. Thus, the specific indicators and concepts related to the study of medical geography were determined, following the documentation and creation of the database necessary for the study, consulting and processing the statistical information under a chrono-spatial aspect. The indicators and dynamics as a whole were taken into consideration in the North Development Region, then at the level of the rayons and the municipality of Balti. The analyzed indicators include the number of medical personnel in territorial profile and their ratio per 10,000 inhabitants for administrative units, hospitalization capacity, reflected in the number of beds in hospitals and relative to 10,000 inhabitants, the type and categories of medical units, the dynamics of the number of pharmacies, as well as and the population&#39;s accessibility to primary and emergency healthcare. Most of the researched indicators show regressive values, thus the number of doctors for the region decreased from 2324 in 2003 to 1597 in 2020, as well as their ratio per 10,000&nbsp;inhabitants decreased from 22.4 in 2003 to below 18 today. The situation is similar for other medical personnel, number of hospitals and beds in hospitals, the only exception being the one related to pharmacies, which even registered an increase in total, reaching 404 units. Aspects of health status also include the morbidity rate, which can be examined in a territorial profile. The population&#39;s morbidity risk through malignant tumors and tuberculosis was examined at the commune level. Both have different values and in each rayon several communes with increased risk are identified. A complimentary indicator is also that of pregnancy interruptions, which vary a lot in the territorial profile, from 10.6 in the Soroca rayon to 106.4 in the Ocnița rayon, based on 100 live births, for the year 2020. Based on the various indicators, their analysis in the territorial plan and the chrono-spatial dynamics, the calculation and determination of the general state regarding the aspects of medical geography at the regional level is reached, through the population health index and implicitly the human development index in the rayons of the Development Region North of the Republic of Moldova.</p></cfAbstr>