Valeriu Ropot scientist devoted to the study of mineral deposits and waters in the Republic of Moldova
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SM ISO690:2012
LUPASCU, Tudor, SANDU, Maria. Valeriu Ropot scientist devoted to the study of mineral deposits and waters in the Republic of Moldova. In: Ecological chemistry ensures a healthy environment, 16 septembrie 2022, Chisinau. Chişinău: Institute of Chemistry, 2022, pp. 10-11. DOI:
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Ecological chemistry ensures a healthy environment 2022
Seminarul "Ecological chemistry ensures a healthy environment. "
Chisinau, Moldova, 16 septembrie 2022

Valeriu Ropot scientist devoted to the study of mineral deposits and waters in the Republic of Moldova


Pag. 10-11

Lupascu Tudor1, Sandu Maria2
1 Institute of Chemistry,
2 Institute of Ecology and Geography
Disponibil în IBN: 3 octombrie 2022


In 1972, the young Doctor in Chemistry Valeriu Ropot founded at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova the Laboratory of Water Chemistry and Mineral Resources. At the initiative of the ecologist Valeriu Ropot in 1992, due to the need to solve the environmental problems that were intensifying in the world, including in Bassarabia, the laboratory is re-profiled in the Laboratory of Ecological Chemistry. The protection of the environment requires the implementation of a complex of social, economic, scientific research and technical measures, which guarantee the preservation and improvement of the state of the natural environment useful for society. These measures can have both a global character, touching the vital interests of the entire population of the earth, and a local character, for solving ecological problems. The main scientific objectives of the institute new structure were aimed at the evaluation of natural minerals, the research and establishment of the formation laws of the quality of surface and underground waters and highlighting the processes and mechanisms of transformation of natural and anthropogenic pollutants in aquatic systems. Scientist Valeriu Ropot paid special attention to the development of high-performance technologies for making surface water potable, as well as those for purifying waste water from economic activities in the Republic of Moldova. In the scientific research carried out under the direction of dr. Valeriu Ropot, the mechanism of pollutant immobilization through mineral absorbents, the role of active centres in the migration and transformation processes of pollutants in the aquatic environment was highlighted. Thus, the initial field of research was the evaluation of natural minerals (clays) used for the purification of waste water from the winemaking industry [2, 3, 6-8]. There were deep researches on the quality of surface and underground waters, being organized by the scientist Ropot Valeriu many scientific expeditions from the source to the Black Sea, the Dniester and Prut rivers and many small rivers in the Republic of Moldova. The obtained results of the scientific researches were presented in various scientific publications (about 200), presented at various national and international scientific conferences [1, 5] and used in the development of the National Strategic Action Program in the field of environmental protection, years 1995-2010-2020 [4].