Abordarea creativă a unor principii de dre pt conflictuale
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278 1
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-07-11 14:22
SM ISO690:2012
SAVA, Alexandru. Abordarea creativă a unor principii de dre pt conflictuale. In: Geniu, talent, creativitate : - o perspectivă socio-culturală, Ed. XIII, 1 mai 2022, Iași. Iași, România: 2022, Volumul I, pp. 101-105. ISBN 978-606-685-905-9.
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Dublin Core
Geniu, talent, creativitate
Volumul I, 2022
Conferința "Geniu, Talent, Creativitate - o perspectivă socio-culturală"
XIII, Iași, Romania, 1 mai 2022

Abordarea creativă a unor principii de dre pt conflictuale

Creativity in dealing with some conflicting principles of law

Pag. 101-105

Sava Alexandru
Institutul de Cercetari Economice şi Sociale “Gheorghe Zane” , Iaşi
Disponibil în IBN: 29 septembrie 2022


Creativity in law has to deal with some controversial aspects. The principle of legal certainty implies that the law is stable over time, which is obtained by a certain stability of the legislation. Even though the legislator offers to the person who interpretes and applies the law a certain freedom of appreciation, which implies the aptitude of creativity, the interpretation must not change the sense of the legislative act, and the spirit in which it was created. If the principles of law themselves contain some legal requirements, the effects of which become conflicting, in order to solve such situations one has to look for the legal provisions of other, connected principles, from which an order of preference may be deduced. If still no clear criteria is found, then the interpreter needs to get creative.

creativity, conflicting principles, interpretation, application