Achiziții lexicale „ultrarecente” pentru vocabularul limbii române
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Балканские романские языки (1473)
SM ISO690:2012
VULPE, Ana, ONOFRAŞ, Maria. Achiziții lexicale „ultrarecente” pentru vocabularul limbii române. In: Limbă Literatură Folclor, 2022, nr. 1, pp. 5-12. ISSN 2587-3881. DOI:
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Limbă Literatură Folclor
Numărul 1 / 2022 / ISSN 2587-3881

Achiziții lexicale „ultrarecente” pentru vocabularul limbii române

CZU: 811.135.1’373

Pag. 5-12

Vulpe Ana, Onofraş Maria
Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu”
Disponibil în IBN: 20 iulie 2022


În partea a doua a studiului continuăm șirul de cuvinte și sensuri absolut noi, identificate și excerptate din mass-media din ultimul timp. Datorită prestigiului acestui tip de comunicare, cuvintele şi sensurile intrate recent în limbă exercită o puternică influenţă asupra vorbitorilor. Însă, când se face uz de un cuvânt sau un sens nou, pe lângă utilitate, originalitate în exprimare, trebuie avută în vedere şi cunoașterea exactă a formei şi a conţinutului acestuia. Or, preluarea lor în limbajul comun impune prudenţă, discernământ. Au fost inventariate și prezentate în cadrul articolelor lexicografice (cu respectarea tuturor rigorilor) 25 de cuvinte și sensuri noi, atât împrumutate, cât și create pe teren propriu. Remarcăm, o dată în plus, că e vorba, deocamdată, de o fixare, de o semantizare primară a acestora.

In the second part of the study we continue the string of words and absolutely new meanings, identified and excerpted from the media lately. Due to the prestige of this type of communication, the words and meanings that have recently entered the language exert a strong influence on the speakers. However, when using a new word or meaning, in addition to its usefulness, originality in expression, the exact knowledge of its form and content must also be taken into account. Or, taking them over in the common language requires caution, discernment. There were inventoried and presented in the lexicographic articles 25 new words and meanings, both borrowed and created on their own (respecting all the rigors). We notice, once again, that it is, for the time being, a fixation, a primary semantics of them.In the second part of the study we continue the string of words and absolutely new meanings, identified and excerpted from the media lately. Due to the prestige of this type of communication, the words and meanings that have recently entered the language exert a strong influence on the speakers. However, when using a new word or meaning, in addition to its usefulness, originality in expression, the exact knowledge of its form and content must also be taken into account. Or, taking them over in the common language requires caution, discernment. There were inventoried and presented in the lexicographic articles 25 new words and meanings, both borrowed and created on their own (respecting all the rigors). We notice, once again, that it is, for the time being, a fixation, a primary semantics of them.

vocabular, cuvânt-titlu, sens nou, definiţie, articol lexicografic,

vocabulary, word - title, new meaning, definition, lexicographical article

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Achiziții lexicale &bdquo;ultrarecente&rdquo; pentru vocabularul limbii rom&acirc;ne</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>vocabular; cuvânt-titlu; sens nou; definiţie; articol lexicografic; vocabulary; word - title; new meaning; definition; lexicographical article</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'><p>&Icirc;n partea a doua a studiului continuăm șirul de cuvinte și sensuri absolut noi, identificate și excerptate din mass-media din ultimul timp. Datorită prestigiului acestui tip de comunicare, cuvintele şi sensurile intrate recent &icirc;n limbă exercită o puternică influenţă asupra vorbitorilor. &Icirc;nsă, c&acirc;nd se face uz de un cuv&acirc;nt sau un sens nou, pe l&acirc;ngă utilitate, originalitate &icirc;n exprimare, trebuie avută &icirc;n vedere şi cunoașterea exactă a formei şi a conţinutului acestuia. Or, preluarea lor &icirc;n limbajul comun impune prudenţă, discernăm&acirc;nt. Au fost inventariate și prezentate &icirc;n cadrul articolelor lexicografice (cu respectarea tuturor rigorilor) 25 de cuvinte și sensuri noi, at&acirc;t &icirc;mprumutate, c&acirc;t și create pe teren propriu. Remarcăm, o dată &icirc;n plus, că e vorba, deocamdată, de o fixare, de o semantizare primară a acestora.</p></cfAbstr>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>In the second part of the study we continue the string of words and absolutely new meanings, identified and excerpted from the media lately. Due to the prestige of this type of communication, the words and meanings that have recently entered the language exert a strong influence on the speakers. However, when using a new word or meaning, in addition to its usefulness, originality in expression, the exact knowledge of its form and content must also be taken into account. Or, taking them over in the common language requires caution, discernment. There were inventoried and presented in the lexicographic articles 25 new words and meanings, both borrowed and created on their own (respecting all the rigors). We notice, once again, that it is, for the time being, a fixation, a primary semantics of them.In the second part of the study we continue the string of words and absolutely new meanings, identified and excerpted from the media lately. Due to the prestige of this type of communication, the words and meanings that have recently entered the language exert a strong influence on the speakers. However, when using a new word or meaning, in addition to its usefulness, originality in expression, the exact knowledge of its form and content must also be taken into account. Or, taking them over in the common language requires caution, discernment. There were inventoried and presented in the lexicographic articles 25 new words and meanings, both borrowed and created on their own (respecting all the rigors). We notice, once again, that it is, for the time being, a fixation, a primary semantics of them.</p></cfAbstr>
<cfName cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>CrossRef DOI prefix service</cfName>
<cfDescr cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>The service of issuing DOI prefixes to publishers</cfDescr>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='en' cfTrans='o'>persistent identifier; Digital Object Identifier</cfKeyw>