Comunitatea lipoveneasca din Basarabia între administratia tarista si perceperea puterii imperiale
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274 1
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-08-02 19:38
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
94(478) (1665)
История Молдавии. Республика Молдова (69)
SM ISO690:2012
GUMENÂI, Ion. Comunitatea lipoveneasca din Basarabia între administratia tarista si perceperea puterii imperiale. In: Știință, educație, cultura, 4 februarie 2016, Comrat. Комрат: Tipografia "A & V Poligraf", 2016, Vol.2, pp. 156-161. ISBN 978-9975-83-013-3.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Știință, educație, cultura
Vol.2, 2016
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
Comrat, Moldova, 4 februarie 2016

Comunitatea lipoveneasca din Basarabia între administratia tarista si perceperea puterii imperiale

CZU: 94(478)

Pag. 156-161

Gumenâi Ion
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 24 mai 2022


The material presented in the rows below aims to show an insight on what meant the relationship between the two subjects, namely the State represented by its administrative structures and the Lipovan Community. Starting from the analysis of these subjects, the author attempts to establish the actions and the attitudes of the state towards the communal development, as well to illustrate the imaginary profile of the community of Lipovans formulated by the State. A special attention is paid to the imagined profile of the imperial power, in the collective mindset of the Orthodox community of old rite, to the profile of the Tsarist regime – as the main source of power in Imperial Russia, the alone Tsar's profile, and also the differences of these two topics and the causes that led to such diverse interpretations.

religion, Bessarabian Old Believers, emperor, support and faith in the king.

Cerif XML Export

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Comunitatea lipoveneasca din Basarabia &icirc;ntre administratia tarista si perceperea puterii imperiale</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>religion; Bessarabian Old Believers; emperor; support and faith in the king.</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The material presented in the rows below aims to show an insight on what meant the relationship between the two subjects, namely the State represented by its administrative structures and the Lipovan Community. Starting from the analysis of these subjects, the author attempts to establish the actions and the attitudes of the state towards the communal development, as well to illustrate the imaginary profile of the community of Lipovans formulated by the State. A special attention is paid to the imagined profile of the imperial power, in the collective mindset of the Orthodox community of old rite, to the profile of the Tsarist regime &ndash; as the main source of power in Imperial Russia, the alone Tsar&#39;s profile, and also the differences of these two topics and the causes that led to such diverse interpretations.</p></cfAbstr>