Renewable energy and the connection problems to the distribution system
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621.311.(082) (1)
Электротехника (1171)
SM ISO690:2012
MALAI, Cristian. Renewable energy and the connection problems to the distribution system. In: Tezele celei de-a : 70-a conferinţă ştiinţifică a studenţilor şi masteranzilor, 20 mai 2016, Chişinău. Chişinău: Universitatea Agrară, 2017, p. 128. ISBN 978-9975-64-283-5..
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Tezele celei de-a 2017
Conferința "Conferinţa ştiinţifică a studenţilor şi masteranzilor"
Chişinău, Moldova, 20 mai 2016

Renewable energy and the connection problems to the distribution system

CZU: 621.311.(082)

Pag. 128-128

Malai Cristian
State Agrarian University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 19 ianuarie 2022


Nowadays, renewable energy is very important for our life, because we can convert it into electricity. The sources of renewable energy are: wind, rain, tides, waves and sunlight. The solar energy is the most used and popular form of renewable energy, because we have sun almost all year including winter. Wind is another source of renewable energy that is used by people to convert wind into electricity, but is not very profitable as long wind is not so strong all time. More profitable source is waves, because rivers are in flow all time. The construction that is assembled in neighborhood of a river is called Hydropower, to convert flows of the river into electricity. Hydropower stations are very beneficial for people and for environment because it doesn’t pollute the nature. The disadvantage of hydropower is that the construction is very expensive, to build and to entertain this station. Solar energy is very beneficial way to obtain electricity. This requires photovoltaic cells assembled into solar panels, wires, batteries, solar power controller and converter. Solar panels are fixed on the roof of buildings for a better absorption of sunlight. Sunlight is converted into electricity because of photovoltaic effect. When batteries are charged, energy can be used indifferent of temperature of the Sun by consumer. Converter is used to change direct current into alternating current. After that is necessary to install a bridge of thyristors which are opened with delay between them. This delay is a connection problem for distribution system. Another disadvantage of solar batteries is that price of panels is very expensive. Not all customers can permit to buy them for their households. Solar photovoltaic (pv) modules generate electricity from sunlight, which can be fed into the mains electricity supply of a building or sold to the public electricity grid. Reducing the need for fossil fuel generation the growing-connected solar PV sector across the globe is helping create jobs, enabling families and businesses to save money, and cut greenhouse emissions.

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