Structural - functional parameters of arable chernozems in the Nistru - Prut area
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631.445.4(478) (8)
Почвоведение. Почвенные исследования (732)
SM ISO690:2012
JIGĂU, Gheorghe, TURCHIN, Boris, PLĂCINTĂ, Nina, STADNIC, Angela, JIGĂU, Cristian, BORȘ, Natalia. Structural - functional parameters of arable chernozems in the Nistru - Prut area. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Ed. 16, 18 iunie 2021, Iași. Iași, România: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, 2021, Ediția 16, pp. 61-62.
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 16, 2021
Simpozionul "Present Environment and Sustainable Development"
16, Iași, Romania, 18 iunie 2021

Structural - functional parameters of arable chernozems in the Nistru - Prut area

CZU: 631.445.4(478)

Pag. 61-62

Jigău Gheorghe, Turchin Boris, Plăcintă Nina, Stadnic Angela, Jigău Cristian, Borș Natalia
Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 10 noiembrie 2021


Within the contemporary stage of anthropo-natural pedogenesis, the evolutionary trend of arable chernozems is determined by interdetermined and interdependent processes of physical degradation accompanied by various negative ecological-genetic and agroproductive effects materialized in changing the direction and intensity of typogenetic processes. An integrative index of these changes is the structural - aggregate composition of chernozems characterized by micro - and macrostructural parameters. The generalization of research in the field showed that in the composition of the microstructure of arable chernozems (<0.25 mm) microaggregates predominate > 0.01 mm (68 - 84%). From which, about 40 - 60% belong to the fraction 0.05 - 0.01 mm. The content of microaggregate clay (<0.001 mm) makes up < 3%. At the same time, however, the indices of aggregate instability show that within the current humus contents the degree of vulnerability of the soils to disaggregation increases. As a result, a stable tendency to increase the content of aggregates > 5 mm of agrogenic origin is established in the arable layer. In their composition predominate formations > 10 mm. Instead, the content of the 5-1 mm aggregates, responsible for the ecological functions of the soils, is reduced. In their composition the content of aggregates 3 - 1 mm is about 1.7 times lower than in non-arable chernozems. The content of hydrostable aggregates > 0.25 mm is less than 50%, and the 1 - 0.25 mm. aggregates predominate in their composition. The specified changes lead to a reduction in the sequestration-stabilization capacity of carbon in the structural aggregates and an increased vulnerability of soils to more severe climate phenomena. The reduction of the content of aggregates 5 - 1 mm is the main cause that leads to the increase of the degree of vulnerability of the soils to drought, while the increase of the content of > 1 mm causes the reduction of the anti-erosion resistance of the soils.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Jigău, G.V.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Turchin, B.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Plăcintă, N.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Stadnic, A.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Jigău, C.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Borș, N.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='en'>Structural - functional parameters of arable chernozems in the Nistru - Prut area</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Within the contemporary stage of anthropo-natural pedogenesis, the evolutionary trend of arable chernozems is determined by interdetermined and interdependent processes of physical degradation accompanied by various negative ecological-genetic and agroproductive effects materialized in changing the direction and intensity of typogenetic processes. An integrative index of these changes is the structural - aggregate composition of chernozems characterized by micro - and macrostructural parameters. The generalization of research in the field showed that in the composition of the microstructure of arable chernozems (&lt;0.25 mm) microaggregates predominate &gt; 0.01 mm (68 - 84%). From which, about 40 - 60%&nbsp;belong to the fraction 0.05 - 0.01 mm. The content of microaggregate clay (&lt;0.001 mm) makes up &lt; 3%. At the same time, however, the indices of aggregate instability show that within the current humus contents the degree of vulnerability of the soils to disaggregation increases. As a result, a stable tendency to increase the content of aggregates &gt; 5 mm of agrogenic origin is established in the arable layer. In their composition predominate formations &gt; 10 mm. Instead, the content of the 5-1 mm aggregates, responsible for the ecological functions of the soils, is reduced. In their composition the content of aggregates 3 - 1 mm is about 1.7 times lower than in non-arable chernozems. The content of hydrostable aggregates &gt; 0.25 mm is less than 50%, and the 1 - 0.25 mm. aggregates predominate in their composition. The specified changes lead to a reduction in the sequestration-stabilization capacity of carbon in the structural aggregates and an increased vulnerability of soils to more severe climate phenomena. The reduction of the content of aggregates 5 - 1 mm is the main cause that leads to the increase of the degree of vulnerability of the soils to drought, while the increase of the content of &gt; 1 mm causes the reduction of the anti-erosion resistance of the soils.</p></description>