The concept “Physical Fertility” of the soil: theoretical and applicative support
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631.4 (753)
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SM ISO690:2012
JIGĂU, Gheorghe, TURCHIN, Boris, PLĂCINTĂ, Nina, JIGĂU, Cristian, STADNIC, Angela, BORȘ, Natalia. The concept “Physical Fertility” of the soil: theoretical and applicative support. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Ed. 16, 18 iunie 2021, Iași. Iași, România: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, 2021, Ediția 16, p. 59.
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 16, 2021
Simpozionul "Present Environment and Sustainable Development"
16, Iași, Romania, 18 iunie 2021

The concept “Physical Fertility” of the soil: theoretical and applicative support

CZU: 631.4

Pag. 59-59

Jigău Gheorghe, Turchin Boris, Plăcintă Nina, Jigău Cristian, Stadnic Angela, Borș Natalia
Moldova State University
Disponibil în IBN: 10 noiembrie 2021


Despite the fundamental achievements of contemporary pedology in the interpretation of soil fertility, so far, the utilitarian approach predominates, its management being reduced only to measures for supporting the nutrient resources of the soils. In this context, two models of soil fertility management were outlined: a) substrate-mineral based on mineral fertilization and b) pedo-biological based on the combination of mineral and organic fertilization in both physical factors being underestimated and neglected. At the same time, starting with the second half of the 19th century, the concept of “physical fertility” of soils was developed, which was based on its approach through the prism of bioroutine soil organization (V.V.Dokuceaev, P.A.Kostâcev), developed in the first half of the 20th century (A.G.Doiarenco , V.R.Williams, V.I.Vernadschi), and later theoretically based on the research of N.A.Kacinschi, I.B.Revut, V.AK.ovda. The mentioned researches contributed to the further examination of the anthropo-natural pedogenesis by applying the principles of Soil Physics, in particular, through the prism of the structural-functional organization processes of the pedosystem (Jigău, 2004 a, 2004 b, 2009). According to this concept, soil fertility is its feature to ensure the unidirectional realization of the processes of structural - functional organization of biopedoplasm and the achievement of basic soil functions: carbon - sequestrational, hydrological, hydrophysical, productive, self-organizing, self-regulating, self-conserving and self-reproducing. The driving force of the processes of continuous structural-functional organization are the processes of humus formation and those of accumulation - stabilization - sequestration of organic carbon in the soil. In this sense, the basic function of the humification process assume the supply of newly-formed humic substances in the soil, whilst the basic function of humus assumet the aggregation - structuring of the biopedoplasm. Through this prism of ideas, the soil fertility management ensures the simultaneous solution of the social-economic and environmental problems.