Adolescence personality training through extracurricular motor activities
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SM ISO690:2012
POZÎNĂREA, Remus-Mihail. Adolescence personality training through extracurricular motor activities. In: Ştiinţa Culturii Fizice, 2021, nr. 37(1), pp. 162-167. ISSN 1857-4114. DOI:
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Ştiinţa Culturii Fizice
Numărul 37(1) / 2021 / ISSN 1857-4114 /ISSNe 2537-6438

Adolescence personality training through extracurricular motor activities

CZU: 373.03:796.012+37.015

Pag. 162-167

Pozînărea Remus-Mihail
Colegiul Național „V.Alecsandri”, Bacău
Disponibil în IBN: 27 octombrie 2021


The issue of education acquires new connotations in contemporary society, given by unprecedented changes in all areas of social life. The emphasis shifts from the informative to the formative. Education transcends the boundaries of the school curriculum and tends towards lifelong learning. A unitary curriculum can no longer respond to human diversity alone, and the goal of lifelong learning tends to become an indisputable reality. Thus, without denying the importance of curricular education, it becomes increasingly obvious that extracurricular education, i.e. that achieved beyond the educational process, has its role and place well established in shaping the personality of young people. Sociological research, conducted in four colleges in Bacau, Romania (National College "Vasile Alecsandri", Technical College of Communications "Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen", National College "Ferdinand" and National College "Gheorghe Vrănceanu") during September - October 2020 on a sample of 210 people (130 high school students, 80 parents), aimed to identify the opinions of students and their parents on the main aspects of extracurricular activity: the degree of involvement of students in extracurricular activities; the level of partnership relationship of the school with the family in carrying out extracurricular activities; types of extracurricular activities; the ways of organizing them; the level of motivation to participate in extracurricular activities;

extracurricular activity, formal and informal education

DataCite XML Export

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The issue of education acquires new connotations in contemporary society, given by unprecedented changes in all areas of social life. The emphasis shifts from the informative to the formative. Education transcends the boundaries of the school curriculum and tends towards lifelong learning. A unitary curriculum can no longer respond to human diversity alone, and the goal of lifelong learning tends to become an indisputable reality. Thus, without denying the importance of curricular education, it becomes increasingly obvious that extracurricular education, i.e. that achieved beyond the educational process, has its role and place well established in shaping the personality of young people. Sociological research, conducted in four colleges in Bacau, Romania (National College &quot;Vasile Alecsandri&quot;, Technical College of Communications &quot;Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen&quot;, National College &quot;Ferdinand&quot; and National College &quot;Gheorghe Vrănceanu&quot;) during September - October 2020 on a sample of 210 people (130 high school students, 80 parents), aimed to identify the opinions of students and their parents on the main aspects of extracurricular activity: the degree of involvement of students in extracurricular activities; the level of partnership relationship of the school with the family in carrying out extracurricular activities; types of extracurricular activities; the ways of organizing them; the level of motivation to participate in extracurricular activities;</p></description>