Testarea taurinelor de rasa Holstein de diverse origini după caracterele productive
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338 11
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-03-11 15:11
SM ISO690:2012
CONSTANDOGLO, Alexandra, FOCŞA, Valentin, CURULIUC, Vasile. Testarea taurinelor de rasa Holstein de diverse origini după caracterele productive. In: Inovații în zootehnie și siguranța produselor animaliere – realizări și perspective: dedicata celei de-a 65-a aniversări de la fondarea Institutului științifico-Practic de Biotehnologii în Zootehnie și Medicină Veterinară, 30 septembrie - 1 octombrie 2021, Maximovca. Maximovca: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2021, pp. 68-76. ISBN 978-9975-56-911-8.
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Inovații în zootehnie și siguranța produselor animaliere – realizări și perspective 2021
Conferința "Inovații în zootehnie și siguranța produselor animaliere – realizări și perspective"
Maximovca, Moldova, 30 septembrie - 1 octombrie 2021

Testarea taurinelor de rasa Holstein de diverse origini după caracterele productive

Pag. 68-76

Constandoglo Alexandra, Focşa Valentin, Curuliuc Vasile
Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Biotehnologii în Zootehnie şi Medicină Veterinară
Disponibil în IBN: 13 octombrie 2021


The article presents the results of studying the milk productivity of Holstein cows of different breeding in the dynamics of lactation, as well as the descendants of local breeding for the 1st lactation in the herd of Joint Stock Company ”Aydyn”. The aim of the study was to study the milk productivity of Holstein cows of different breeding in the dynamics of lactation, the correlation of the characteristics of milk productivity and their heritability. The analysis showed that the cows of German breeding in the fifth lactation are slightly superior in milk yield (by 229 kg of milk) to the cows of the Dutch breeding, the difference is insignificant. At Dutch cows, a weak positive correlation (+0.284) and a moderate negative (-0.317), moderate positive (+0.327) correlation was established between the live weight and the amount of milk fat in milk. As a comparative analysis between mothers and daughters of Dutch and German breeding in terms of the correlation coefficient (milk yield per 305 days of lactation) is identified a significant difference (-0.241) at P <0.001.The degree of heritability in terms of milk yield for the first lactation (mother-daughter) of German breeding was 93.0%.

milk yield, lactation, offspring of the 1st local generation, mother-daughter, variability, heritability, correlation

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Testarea taurinelor de rasa Holstein de diverse origini după caracterele productive</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>milk yield; lactation; offspring of the 1st local generation; mother-daughter; variability; heritability; correlation</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The article presents the results of studying the milk productivity of Holstein cows of different breeding in the dynamics of lactation, as well as the descendants of local breeding for the 1st lactation in the herd of Joint Stock Company &rdquo;Aydyn&rdquo;. The aim of the study was to study the milk productivity of Holstein cows of different breeding in the dynamics of lactation, the correlation of the characteristics of milk productivity and their heritability. The analysis showed that the cows of German breeding in the fifth lactation are slightly superior in milk yield (by 229 kg of milk) to the cows of the Dutch breeding, the difference is insignificant. At Dutch cows, a weak positive correlation (+0.284) and a moderate negative (-0.317), moderate positive (+0.327) correlation was established between the live weight and the amount of milk fat in milk. As a comparative analysis between mothers and daughters of Dutch and German breeding in terms of the correlation coefficient (milk yield per 305 days of lactation) is identified a significant difference (-0.241) at P &lt;0.001.The degree of heritability in terms of milk yield for the first lactation (mother-daughter) of German breeding was 93.0%.</p></cfAbstr>
<cfFirstNames>Alexandra </cfFirstNames>
<cfFirstNames>Valentin F.</cfFirstNames>