Contribuţii la chestiunea alimentării cu apă a oraşului Chişinău (secolul al XIX-lea – mijlocul secolului al XX-lea)
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2021-08-16 19:52
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94(478-25):628.1"XIX-XX" (1)
История Молдавии. Республика Молдова (69)
История Африки (25505)
SM ISO690:2012
TABUNCIC, Sergiu. Contribuţii la chestiunea alimentării cu apă a oraşului Chişinău (secolul al XIX-lea – mijlocul secolului al XX-lea). In: Anuarul Institutului de Istorie , 2015, nr. 4, pp. 184-209. ISSN 2345-1939.
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Dublin Core
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie
Numărul 4 / 2015 / ISSN 2345-1939

Contribuţii la chestiunea alimentării cu apă a oraşului Chişinău (secolul al XIX-lea – mijlocul secolului al XX-lea)

Contributions to the issue of water supply in Chisinau (19th century – middle of 20th century)

CZU: 94(478-25):628.1"XIX-XX"

Pag. 184-209

Tabuncic Sergiu
Institutul de Istorie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 23 iunie 2021


The article deals with information regarding the issue of water supply in Chisinau city, referring to the activity of water carriers and of the Water Plant in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The information was found in some inedited documents from the National Archive of the Republic of Moldova, as well as in publications little known to researchers in this field. We should mention that water carriers were water merchants and the Water Plant was the conventional name given to the aqueduct built in the city in 1892. In particular, we have studied a file from 1821 containing a petition of a group of 15 water carriers who asked the civil governor of Bessarabia to prohibit the activity of other water carriers. The latter ones were immigrants who came from Moldova across the Prut river and who started to sell water, thus creating competition on the market, something undesired by the petitioners. The governor ordered the public administration, the City Duma, to examine and solve the issue. The documents of the file contain unpublished information about the profession of water carrier such as the legal framework of the profession, the number, ethnic background and religion of people performing that job, as well as their duties and privileges. The 15 chief water carriers were elected to do the job by Christian and Jewish communities of Chisinau. They had the right to hire themselves some other 30 water carriers who had to supply water to the hospital and other public institutions of the city and were exempted from military service and other social duties. It should be noted that the water carriers tried to raise the price of water sold to the population in a period of time when Chisinau was facing a demographic boom. To prevent the artificial increase in the water price, the City Duma appointed 5 other people as water carriers. These people were recommended by a group of citizens. The water carriers represented the poor layer of the city, most of them being members of the Jewish community, the others of the Christian townsfolk. The water carriers contributed to the creation of the public park, as well as to the construction of the urban hospital and the prison by supplying the building sites with water for free. At that time, the spring near the Church Nativity of the Theotokos, known also as the Mazarache Church, after the name of its founder – serdar Vasile Mazarache – was the main source of water in Chisinau. The decline of the water carrier profession began after 1892, when the first networks of the urban aqueduct appeared. The article also sheds light on the Water Plant, presenting a lot of important information unknown to researchers, including a list of employees of the plant from 1933-1934, introduced now in the informational circuit. The authors of the article also present and comment some images dating from the end of the 19th century and featuring water carriers and the main spring of Chisinau.