Cu privire la posibila neconstituționalitate a lit. B1) alin. (2) art. 327 din Codul Penal
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639 27
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-01-23 10:41
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
343.2 (913)
Общая часть уголовного права (891)
SM ISO690:2012
STATI, Vitalie. Cu privire la posibila neconstituționalitate a lit. B1) alin. (2) art. 327 din Codul Penal. In: Infracţiunea – Răspunderea penală – Pedeapsa. Drept şi Criminologie, Ed. Ediția I-a, 25-26 martie 2021, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2021, Ediția I-a, pp. 550-560. ISBN 978-9975-158-12-1.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Infracţiunea – Răspunderea penală – Pedeapsa. Drept şi Criminologie
Ediția I-a, 2021
Conferința "Infracţiunea – Răspunderea penală – Pedeapsa. Drept şi Criminologie", conferinţă ştiinţifică naţională"
Ediția I-a, Chişinău, Moldova, 25-26 martie 2021

Cu privire la posibila neconstituționalitate a lit. B1) alin. (2) art. 327 din Codul Penal

CZU: 343.2

Pag. 550-560

Stati Vitalie
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 23 iunie 2021


Due to the difference of motives, it is possible to establish the exact limit that separates the sphere of application of para. (1) art. 327 of the Criminal Code from the sphere of application of let. b1) para. (2) art. 327 of the Criminal Code. As a result, there is no risk that this limit will be set on the basis of arbitrary and discretionary criteria by those empowered to apply criminal law. Consequently, the potential litigant is not deprived of the possibility to reasonably foresee in which conditions he (she) would respond based on para. (1) art. 327 of the Criminal Code and, respectively, in which conditions he (she) would answer based on let. b1) para. (2) art. 327 of the Criminal Code. The content of the let. b1) para. (2) art. 327 of the Criminal Code is certain and does not overlap with the content of para. (1) of the same article. Consequently, it can be stated that the text “committed out of material interest, for the purpose of pursuing other personal interests or in the interest of a third party”, used in let. b1) para. (2) art. 327 of the Criminal Code, passes the predictability test. This text should not be declared unconstitutional.

abuse of power or abuse of official position, the motive of the offense, material interest, the purpose of pursuing other personal interests, the interest of a third party